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ATI.SU: Search for active carriers

Developers: ATI.SU, ATI.SU (formerly AutoTransInfo)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2021/12/14
Last Release Date: 2023/11/09
Branches: Internet Services,  Logistics and Distribution
Technology: SRM - Supplier Relationship Management

The main articles are:

2023: Adding the Top 3 feature to the Search for Active Carriers service

On November 9, 2023, the ATI.SU Freight Exchange presented updates to the Search for Active Carriers service. The Top-3 function has been added to the service, showing performers who are most interested in an operational trip along a particular route, the interface has been updated, new payment methods have been introduced.

The Search for Active Carriers, part of the ATI.SU ecosystem of services, helps cargo owners quickly find the performers who most often searched for cargo and placed transport on specified routes over the selected period. The service is useful, for example, in situations where you urgently need to send the cargo in a new or difficult direction, as well as in a direction in which there are currently no free performers. In addition, the service helps to conduct a preliminary assessment in order to select the most relevant companies and secure transportation.

The web version of the service contains a list of performers, which is divided into two blocks:

  • "Top carriers" are performers who at the moment may be as interested as possible in the transportation of cargo
  • "Standard List" - displays companies that regularly work in a given direction.

All companies from the standard list are filtered so that carriers with a greater need for orders and maximum carrying capacity are in the first positions. This task is solved by an automatic ranking system. She works with live and historical data from the site. The "Top-3" function - allows you to show carriers who show maximum activity on the site at the moment, which means those interested in the operational execution of the order.

Also in the fall of 2023, the interface "Search for active carriers" was finalized, taking into account user experience and other payment methods were introduced. These changes made the service more accessible to users of the ATI.SU Freight Exchange, and also opened up the ability to quickly master the main tools and settings for users with minimal work skills.

"Search for active carriers" is a convenient tool that allows cargo owners to quickly get a database of relevant performers by. CIS We have cases of real users who, in a month of regular work with the service, found themselves more than one and a half thousand new companies-performers even in difficult directions of transportation. Moreover, such results were achieved by one logist, - said the Sviatoslav Wilde founder and director of the ATI.SU Freight Exchange.

2021: Launch of the service "Search for active carriers"

ATI.SU Exchange on December 14, 2021 announced the launch of a service for the rapid search for road freight carriers.

The Search for Active Carriers service provides detailed information about market players who are most active on certain routes. Thus, it makes it easier for cargo owners to choose performers and helps to more flexibly approach the formation of their supply chains.

In the context of a shortage of freight carriers, it becomes more difficult for companies to find performers who meet the requirements - the work to select them for each specific route requires more and more time and resources. To minimize the risks of its users, ATI.SU Exchange has developed the Search for Active Carriers service.

The service helps companies to send cargo in a short time, find new permanent performers in a certain direction and, if necessary, analyze the carrier market along the desired route. First, an API was developed that customers could integrate into their information systems to quickly select carriers. Later they added this functionality to the "Search for transport" section, which made it possible to search for active carriers directly on the ATI.SU Exchange website. As a result, "Search for active carriers" grew into a separate service that can be used both on the site and in its software through the API.

For users of the Search for Active Carriers service, it is enough to fill out a special form on the ATI.SU Exchange website, indicating the direction of transportation of interest, the carrying capacity and volume of the car, the required body type (for example, a refrigerator), and the time frame of the report. After that, the system instantly generates a ranked report on carriers who, during the specified period, searched for goods in a given direction or set up cars. The report also provides detailed information about their ranking, activities on the site, claims customers have ever made to them and details of their vehicles. It is important that it includes data not only for free and active carriers, but also for those who do not put their transport in search.

Thus, "Search for active carriers" is a tool that helps market participants make business decisions and optimally build supply chains, analyzing the areas relevant for them. If the cargo owner intends to replenish the base of his carriers, he will be able to see the list of interested companies, assess their reliability and invite them to work on closed "ATI.SU Sites." The service is also useful for customers who, for some reason, do not want to put the cargo into public access, and prefer to look for performers on their own. Often, the "Search for active carriers" is resorted to in situations where you need to send the cargo as quickly as possible, but potential performers at the moment cannot quickly respond to the posted application. The service can also be useful for carriers who plan to open a new direction and want to assess its potential - the report allows you to understand how many market participants in a certain period were looking for cargo in this direction and which actually worked on it most often, noted in the "ATI.SU Exchange."

"Developing the service, we relied on the experience of foreign logistics sites, where such a tool has already been presented. More than 300 thousand market participants are registered on our Exchange, we process and analyze a huge amount of data. Therefore, an assessment of the activity of performers in a particular direction turns out to be quite objective. In the future, we plan to expand its functionality in accordance with the changing situation in our market and the new needs of companies and carriers, "said Svyatoslav Wilde, founder and director of the ATI.SU Freight Exchange.