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Alee Software: Electronic archive of technical documentation

The name of the base system (platform): STOR-M (Aley Archive)
Developers: Alee Software
Technology: EDMS


During the work with a large number of the equipment, irrespective of the field of its application, inevitably there is a need to store a huge number of the accompanying technical documentation, such as user guides, technical characteristics, operating instructions. If the company is engaged in sale of the equipment, then among other things it is necessary to provide online access of your clients to this documentation.

how to organize effective storage system of technical documentation and to provide to it access? How does your paper storage system affect practical result?

Cost of paper business management

  1. Performance penalty in connection with document retrieval.
  2. Electronic archive of technical documentation Sending documents by the fax and e-mail to clients and employees.
  3. Electronic archive of technical documentation Copying and document storage for the purpose of archiving.
  4. Electronic archive of technical documentation Expensive physical space for document storage.
  5. Electronic archive of technical documentation Cumulative influence on the total cost and the quality of service provided to your clients.

Difference with the solution electronic archive of technical documentation STOR-M3

  1. the Authorized access for clients to base of documents
  2. Electronic archive of technical documentation Effective document retrieval allows to fill loss in performance.
  3. Electronic archive of technical documentation Fast and economic mailing of documents by means of CD, web and e-mail.
  4. Electronic archive of technical documentation Simple and safe digital archiving.
  5. Electronic archive of technical documentation Reduction of need for physical space of document storage due to use of digital storages.
  6. Electronic archive of technical documentation Cumulative useful result of reduction of cost and more effective customer service.

That the electronic archive of technical documentation STOR-M3 allows

The electronic archive STOR-M 3 is a management system for electronic archive of documents which will help to transfer documentation to an electronic form simple scanning of paper documents and preserving them in archive. The electronic Archive manages images of documents easily, providing functions of indexing of documents, quick search and secure access to them. Documents are provided on demand on a local network of the enterprise, on CD or via the Internet. Documents are stored in digital archive, preventing data loss.

Real world experience shows impressive reducing costs for mailing of paper documents and physical spaces of storage at higher safety and availability of documents.

Electronic archive STOR-M3 and technical documentation

Your employees use high-speed scanners to enter new instructions, schemes and the managements, in other words, all documents accompanying supply of equipment - all workers and historical records in the single database of Electronic Archive. You can connect in electronic archive of technical documentation the OCR system and forms, to enter tables and other electronic documents. Recognition of documents will allow to make full-text search on complete contents of documents.

Then the authorized personnel can run for search and extraction of documents directly in electronic archive STOR-M 3, using the powerful search tool of a system. Users can browse, print documents and also send them by e-mail directly from the workplace. Documents can be archived on CD or are published in the Intranet or the Internet freely without tiresome HTML of coding.

Complex opportunities for protection of documents will prevent from not authorized access to them. The security system of electronic archive STOR-M 3 constantly monitors accesses and actions of users. The technical documentation saved on CD or published in the Internet or the Intranet is available only on reading, but not on change. Regularly created backup copies of archive form separately, preventing data loss.

On the example of work with paper documents we will determine the cost of processing of a request by the client of the document necessary for it, for example operation manuals on a certain equipment:

  1. As a lot of time is wasted on search of documents necessary to the client in offices and regiments of racks?
  2. Electronic archive of technical documentation What cost of your work and work of your personnel?
  3. As long the client waits for the answer?
  4. As many other clients expect service during operation with the first client?

Now imagine processing of the same request of the client using Electronic Archive:

The client independently comes on the Internet portal of the company, enters the registration data and gets an authorized access only to those documents which are open for it for viewing by the system administrator.

Electronic archive STOR-M 3: advantages to work with technical documentation

Simple and effective management of documents

The electronic Archive manages a large number of documents effectively and simply. Reduction or complete elimination of loss of documents, use of low-cost methods of copying and distribution allows to reduce total overheads. Electronic Archive of technical documentation - idle time in training and use. The intuitive user interface is based on basic skills of work of your personnel on personal computers and reduces unwillingness of personnel to use a new system.

  1. Management of all repository of documents from the workplace.
  2. Simulating of a paper system by means of a usual tree structure of documents.
  3. Reduction of clerical work and errors of routine work with the help of a powerful system of search.

Reduce storage costs, release to yourself office space

Dynamically upcoming business leads to increase in cabinets and racks for document storage. Using electronic archive STOR-M 3 you store exact electronic copies of these documents on the electronic media requiring only a small part of that space that occupies paper archive of technical documentation. You can return yourself office space occupied by paper, reduce costs for own and third-party storages and service clients without long-term lease of expensive premises.

  1. Return of office space for more profitable use of the last.
  2. the Choice from huge number of options of digital storages for the purpose of reduction of required premises under storage
  3. Destruction or movement of original paper documents.

Fast also is economic document distribution

Operation specialists, service departments and branches of the company need continuous access to the latest information. Clients expect continuous access to documents via the Internet. The electronic archive STOR-M 3 provides instant, economic delivery of the document through e-mail, the Intranet or the Internet for satisfaction of the needs for business. Clients receive that they want, the personnel receive what is required to it and everyone receives additional benefit from cutting of costs and work for copying and mailing of documents.

  1. Documents are constantly available to the authorized personnel in network of the enterprise
  2. Document distribution on CD in branches, to heads and the impartial third parties
  3. Economic and secure access to documents via the web interface of electronic archive STOR-M3

Recovery of the lost performance

The search mechanism of electronic archive STOR-M3 allows to find without delay documents using attributive or full-text search. Using the system of creation of attributes you can organize data on client name, a document number, date and other fields necessary for systematization and identification of technical documentation. Your personnel lose hours of productive work in document retrievals while you try to find time for use of this information. Your documents remain constantly available so far they are necessary for you.

  1. Obtaining the document on demand using the search mechanism of electronic archive STOR-M3.
  2. Providing complete texts of documents for full-text search.
  3. Combination of different search for exact search of relevant documents.
  4. Switching of work of employees to more productive activity.

Digital archiving provides long-term protection

Paper - rather vulnerable material for archiving. The fire, a flood and theft threaten integrity of paper archive. Duplication of paper documents out of walls of the company is also rather expensive to creation of reserve archive and takes away a lot of time.

Digital archiving using Electronic Archive simplifies recovery of archive of technical documentation after accident and guarantees long-term protection of crucial information.

  1. Storage complete a repository of documents on reliable the carrier (CD, tape carriers or raid arrays).
  2. the Open TIFF or PDF format of files guarantees a document access in the future.

The open structure creates a possibility of easy integration and expansion of functionality

Electronic archive of technical documentation STOR-M3 - the sustainable checked solution which will allow to integrate it with already used systems. The combination of expansibility and easy integration will allow to save the existing IT of investment and at the same time to guarantee long-term advantage of your solution with Electronic Archive.

  1. Completely scalable solution extending together with yours needs.
  2. the Open architecture allows to make easy integration with management systems for human resources (HR), management systems for the website and another already existing at the enterprise.

Who needs such solution?

  1. Service department;
  2. Department which is engaged in delivery and equipment installation;
  3. Customer relations department