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Баннер в шапке 2

Alphabot (the robot for collecting of orders)

Developers: Walmart
Date of the premiere of the system: January, 2020
Branches: Trade
Technology: Robotics


2020: Beginning of use of robots

In January, 2020 Walmart provided the Alphabot robot who is called to increase efficiency and to accelerate the product delivery.

Robotic carts 60 cm high and 80 cm long move vertically and horizontally on specially built racks in a warehouse, take away goods and bring them to the employees. Those will see off pack products and transfer the order to a parking zone from where the client takes away the purchased products.

Robots are capable to process more than 800 products per hour that in 10 times more in comparison with the person. However, by the time of the beginning of implementation of Alphabot automatic collecting of orders is possible only in a case with canned food, the frozen food and nonfoods. Fresh and perishable products, for example, apples or salad, as before, are collected in baskets by people.

Walmart implemented robots who select and bring frozen goods

Walmart began to use Alphabot in a warehouse about 1900 square meters in the city of Salem (State of New Hampshire, USA). By the beginning of 2020 robots (them about 30 are involved) function only for 20% of the opportunities and process about 170 orders a day. It is in the future planned that robots will collect completely all orders and to bring goods to the client's car.

As notes the Bloomberg agency, to shops from where clients take away the products ordered on the Internet, dozens of employees who should move quickly on premises for collecting of products to a basket are required. Then other employees collect orders and deliver to machines of clients. This process very labor-consuming and quite often is followed by human errors when buyers are not reported by products or in a basket appear goods which should not be.

Alphabot optimizes process of the order, allowing employees to perform the work with greater speed and efficiency — Brian Roth, the senior manager of Walmart on automation said collecting of orders and to digital transactions.[1]

