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Apache Harmony

Developers: Apache Software Foundation
Technology: OS

The Harmony project represents one of implementations of the Java platform open source. For the proof of compliance of implementation of the Java specification it is necessary to use the testing aids entering the Technology Compatibility Kit set, but the license for it as consider in Apache, is incompatible with the license under which Harmony is distributed. The conflict between Apache and Oracle concerning TCK led to Apache exit from executive committee on development of the Java SE/EE platform.

Project participants of Apache Harmony (Open Source of implementation on Java), voted in November, 2011 (20 against 2) about project closure — its source texts are transferred to a repository of Apache Attic in which unsupported projects are stored.

The project did not receive the reference Technology Compatibility Kit tests necessary for certification and protection against patent threats from Oracle. Besides, at release of Java 7 rules according to which free alternative implementations of Java are not allowed were adopted.

The main sponsor of the project, IBM, last year switched to OpenJDK, the Google company also ceased to participate in the project because of legal procedure about use of Java technologies in Android.