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Breakwater (electronic warfare tool)

Date of the premiere of the system: December 2023



In Russia, created a combat car "Vityaz" with radio protection from drones

In July 2024, it became known that the development of a new light military vehicle Vityaz, equipped with the Volnorez electronic warfare system (electronic warfare) to protect against unmanned aerial vehicles, was completed in Russia. The machine is designed for use by reconnaissance groups and special operations forces in the area of ​ ​ a special military operation. Read more here

Use on ambulances in the Belgorod region

In the Belgorod region, ambulances were equipped with electronic warfare (electronic warfare) systems Breakwater"" to protect against Ukrainian drones. This was announced in early June 2024 by the developer of these complexes Stanislav (the full name was not disclosed for security reasons). The innovation is aimed at ensuring the safety of doctors and evacuated citizens in areas of increased danger. here More.

2023: Use on armored vehicles

At the end of November 2023, it became known that Russian armored vehicles involved in the special operation zone are increasingly equipped with specialized electronic warfare (electronic warfare) equipment. These jammers are designed to suppress the control signals of combat drones carrying explosive charges on board.

According to Forbes, Russian soldiers use knapsack electronic warfare systems. Such devices are also mounted on armored vehicles. The Volnorez complex is mentioned, which is able to block the control of drones within a radius of about a kilometer. In the zone of a special military operation on armored vehicles, the Triton system is also being tested, designed specifically to protect tanks from FPV drones (First-Person View). These are drones equipped with a camera, the image from which is broadcast wirelessly to a virtual reality helmet or pilot's video glasses.

The "Volnorez" electronic warfare system on a Russian tank T-80BVM

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has developed recommendations for the protection of equipment from combat drones. It is proposed to equip armored vehicles with lattice screens to protect the upper hemisphere from drones, as well as interference generators. Military expert Yuri Knutov says that jammers have proven their effectiveness in the field.

The tanks [were] equipped with anti-drone visors, special networks that reduce the radar and thermal visibility of the tank. Now this should become not some separate copies, but the norm in the troops, "Knutov notes.

At the same time, Forbes adds that electronic warfare systems are not a panacea. The fact is that the developers of unmanned aerial vehicles are introducing special protective mechanisms: with electronic counteraction, drones either quickly switch to another frequency, or initiate an autonomous flight mode.[1]
