Developers: | CB Iskra (Krasnoyarsk design office) |
Date of the premiere of the system: | 2015 |
Technology: | DPC |
Since September 1, 2015 became effective Federal law No. 242 "About making changes in separate legal acts of the Russian Federation regarding refining of an order of personal data processing in information and telecommunications networks". From now on the domestic companies should optimize storage of the data and transfer information only to the Russian Data processing centers (DPCs).
Most data centers are the share of Moscow and St. Petersburg. 61% of the market, St. Petersburg – 21% fall to the share of Moscow. The cumulative share of the regional market makes 18%. At the regional level the leader is Novosibirsk (4%).
Within the import substitution program JSC CB Iskra constructed the first in Krasnoyarsk Krai commercial center of data processing based on cloud computing which is not conceding to the western analogs. The data center is created on infrastructures of JSC CB Iskra (61 years work at the telecommunication market of the country and is the second operator of satellite communication in Russia and the first in the SFD).
"Infrastructure of JSC CB Iskra Is Placed on Resources of Own DPC. in case of Its Idle Time Within a Day Losses of the Company Will Make 1 Million 011 Thousand Rubles. Respectively, You Understand that We Take All Necessary Measures for Maintenance of Operability of Services, - the area director of communication of JSC CB Iskra Oleg Morozov noted.
Due to the economic situation business and a public sector are in conditions of reducing costs of IT. So expenses of municipalities in the SFD were cut down almost for 1 billion rubles: in 2015 expenses made 3,938, 7 million rubles, in 2015 - 2,818.8 million rubles. Use of cloud computing allows to cut down expenses on informatization from 30% a year:
- economy on investment and operating costs;
- economy on the round-the-clock payment of employees;
- solution of the problem of a staff turnover and training of new employees;
- guarantee of availability and fault tolerance of infrastructure.
Lease of "cloud" allows to manage quickly and flexibly IT infrastructure and without big costs to solve a broad spectrum of tasks: from temporary placement of the equipment before complete transition to outsourcing of IT infrastructure.
Technology start of DPC of DataPool took place in 2014. On the first quarter 2015 the majority of external addresses is connected with transfer in "cloud" of basic IT systems of the organizations: e-mail, mail servers, systems based on 1C.
The data center of DataPool includes a number of services: a cloud hosting, solutions on backup of both separate servers, and data processing centers, the integrated software solutions, the organization of remote jobs. It is expected that providing the software of such vendors as Microsoft, IBM and 1S according to the SaaS model will become one of the most demanded directions. The service package is focused, first of all, on medium and small business and also a public sector, but actually any owner of the computer can become the consumer. The data processing center of JSC CB Iskra allows to start more than 300 virtual servers, however in case of need it is rather simple to scale it.
The deputy manager of the edge agency of informatization and communication Nikolay Raspopin told about federal plans for development of cloud computing. At the last meeting of the working group of Council for regional informatization at the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation the decision on creation of a state cloud for the ministries and departments was made, the concept of transfer of the state information resources to the created system of federal and regional data processing centers is developed now. One of main goals of centralization – reliability augmentation of the state information resources and disposal of the excess number of places of their storage.
It is planned that own infrastructure of departments will gradually migrate in the system of federal DPCs.
The system integrator Open Technologies became the consultant when choosing the solution and its architecture and also equipment supplier for the project.
Main characteristics of DPC of DataPool:
- Bleyd Hewlett Packard center: Processors of Xeon 2665; 2Tb RAM (RAM); 2560 V-CPU;
- 3PAR storage system: disk arrays of 100 Tb of different performance, including SSD; Tiering;
- Backup system: Deduplication with effective compression 20:1;
- Switching factory Hewlett Packard and Cisco: internal speed is up to 10 Gbit/sec.;
- The quality of services corresponds to Tier level 2+\Tier 3 (2N) according to international standard TIA-942;
- High reliability and the continuity of work — not less than 99.9% round the clock;
- The guaranteed capacity of trunk channels;
- Security from unauthorized access;
- Possibility of centralization for the companies with geographically distributed structure;
- It is security - the fire warning, the system of gas fire extinguishing, the system of remote administration, power management, video surveillance and access control;
- Trunk communication channels with chief operators of communication;
- Power supply of 1 category from two independent power plants and the diesel generator set;
- Repair work without stopping DPC.