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Баннер в шапке 2

Deck: WAYZ

Developers: Deck (Sound board)
Last Release Date: 2015/12/12
Technology: Satellite communication and navigation

WAYZ is the system of navigation and tracking in premises.

The technology helps users:

  • understand - where they are as to them to pass to the necessary object
  • initiate different business scenarios depending on location of the user
  • receive analytics on movements of users and use it for increase in business performance

Options of use of a system:

  • retail
  • museums, exhibitions, conferences
  • navigation in "tangled" buildings and complexes
  • logistics
  • integration with control and management systems for access
  • tracking and navigation in retail
  • analytics on movements of clients
  • efficiency analysis of placement of a retail store equipment and promotion equipment
  • integration with a loyalty system and a sales history - targetted promo
  • notifications to the user at approach to promo-zones
  • navigation on a trading floor, search of the necessary goods in categories

Tracking and navigation in retail, (2015)

Navigation as service

  • convenience to visitors
  • analysis of movement of visitors
  • an opportunity to affect structure of movements through the offered routes
  • obtaining information on the interesting objects

Navigation as service, (2015)

Navigation in logistics

  • tracking of movement of large objects across the territory
  • tracking and navigation in addition to WMS systems
  • "sorting" of large objects
  • analytics on the time spent in zones
  • exit from zones and hit in forbidden bands

Navigation in logistics, (2015)

Tracking and navigation in integration into the ACS

  • tracking of movements of users
  • automatic interaction with the ACS on the basis of location
  • initiation of events at emergence of "unknown" devices
  • use of the mobile device as the access card

Tracking and navigation in integration into the ACS, (2015)

WAYZ consists of the client application, the application server and different data sources, the connected external systems. WAYZ can use as source of data on location of data:

Scheme of interaction of WAYZ, (2015)

Description of a system

The operating cycle of WAYZ is provided by three main units:

1. Receiving on information device from all available sources and its transfer on the server 2. Receiving by information server from external sources of coordinates and decision making (event handling) on the basis of customer information and external information 3. Working off of "actions" - initiation of certain scenarios depending on the user's coordinates

Possible versions of scenarios:

  • notification to the user
  • notification to the operator of a system
  • start of the scenario in the application of the user (a sound, video, other options)
  • initiation of scenarios of external systems (opening of barriers, demonstration of rollers on the panel, next to the user, start of record on a video surveillance system, etc.

If necessary a system can be complemented with the module of obtaining the additional information for decision making:

  • information from the accelerometer of the mobile device,
  • customer information from external systems,
  • information from light sensors, etc.

System management

System management by means of the web interface of the administrator.