Developers: | Delta Systems |
Branches: | Financial services, investments and audit |
In the modern world time becomes one of the most expensive resources. Reduction of costs when implementing this or that product due to reduction of holding time of the client is one of key requirements to a modern business model. For this reason, automation of banking activity is characterized as one of the most violently developing directions allowing to hold as the existing clients, and to attract new now.
The Delta-Sistemy company historically is one of the largest suppliers of devices of bank self-service in Russia, and more than 20 years works in the field of complex automation of retail business of banks. Our work is directed to solving of tasks of automation bank business of processes in zones of self-service 24*7 and operational and cash blocks. However, it should be noted that for today in banks the technological solutions allowing to react flexibly to changes of a conjuncture of the market of the financial institutions working with the population are the most demanded. For this reason, in 2005 the Delta-Sistemy company began to deal with issues of delivery of technological solutions based on the automated safes of cashiers (ASC). At the same time we penetrated into a perspective of the equipment for automation of a workplace of the cashier, studied offers in the market of software products of control of these devices, modelled possible schemes of interaction with banking systems. Practically all offered software modules were only mini-management programs for the device that required big resource costs of bank for the organization of connection of the automated cashier's safe to the core banking system. Each project on implementation required participation of the ABS developer, was difficult, multilateral and long that considerably increased an implementation time and payback of the equipment for bank. Nevertheless, we implemented a number of projects in the commercial banks including supply of equipment and the technological solution providing an opportunity for work of devices running the core banking system.
Having got necessary experience in implementation of project data, at the beginning of 2009 specialists of Delta-Sistemy company developed the concept of the software product which is most facilitating implementation of technology of the automated safes of cashiers in bank. The concept about which there is a speech is based on three basic principles:
- The software solution should manage devices of different functionality and different producers (not to limit the choice of bank at making decision on equipment procurement).
- All devices are connected and controlled the uniform server, but not the specific computer of the cashier (or the operator-cashier).
- Not labor-consuming integration into the core banking system (that the bank did not need to write serious terms of reference, to invite specialists from ABS supplier company and to pay them extra money for integration. Ideally integration should be made by forces of specialists of IT department of bank).
The basic software package Delta BranchCash, the implemented Delta-Sistemy company, incorporated all accumulated experience and became the operating display of this concept, supporting work as the simple automated safes of cashiers (TCD) providing fast cash disbursement, and the recirculation automated safes (TCR) allowing and to accept cash (with support of check of machine-readable signs of banknotes) and to issue them. The Multivendornost put in this solution allows to make a choice from the equipment of the different producers which are most full meeting requirements of bank. At the same time, the complex exercises device management on the commands received from the core banking system and executes all necessary actions connected with return of the commands to end devices, the cash accounting which are actually located in ASK, individual storage devices of the values set in a workplace of the cash desk operator, collection of information about the operations performed by means of this equipment, etc. It allows to select different user profiles with providing different access rights to them. In fact, this full-function solution providing not only automation of a workplace of the cashier, but also performing technical and financial monitoring of all cash division of credit institution in general. And, all information, both on technical condition of the equipment, and on financial transactions of all automated cash jobs is flown down in the uniform center – the Delta BranchCash database, and in an effect can be unloaded in the core banking system or is used for a financial analysis or planning of maintenance.
Important aspect at deployment of any new software is training in work of employees of the bank at it. The architecture of the software package Delta BranchCash, is constructed in such a way that will not involve any serious time expenditure for training because the operator-cashier works in usual to it the ABS windows visualizing transactions of acceptance/cash disbursement, receiving hints from Delta BranchCash in the form of "pop-up windows" which offer several options of actions depending on the client's wishes. In fact, these hints also are that new what the operator-cashier should get used to. It also allows us to say that work with the solution Delta BranchCash is intuitive for the bank employees servicing an operational and cash zone of bank.
Speaking about the solution Delta BranchCash, It should be noted especially additional advantages of its integration into safes of the cashiers using technology of recirculation which allows bank to optimize work with cash substantially. The hardware and software system working under control of Delta BranchCash exempts bank from construction of armored points of sale, allows to change quickly dislocation of a sales point of banking products taking into account its profitability, thereby optimizing geography of presence of bank. The set of all listed advantages radically changes technology of implementation of the business challenges facing bank. And in this sphere there is also focus of interests of modern financial institutions today. It is objectively caused by special attention of banks to the front office systems "meeting" the client, and in fact, creating necessary degree of loyalty which in turn, can hold existing and attract new clients.
Of course, it is necessary to understand that creating the requirements to business process, any bank is interested to solve this problem in a complex. So, not the just modern equipment or the software solution, and their most optimal combination will be subject to the choice. For this reason, the Delta-Sistemy company together with the partner companies delivering TCR in the market of Russia and the CIS countries offers banks the hardware and software systems allowing the most full answering criteria of efficiency of the solution of assigned tasks.
Last three years of active promotion of Delta BranchCash in the banking market validated the concept developed by us thanks to which our company became the leader in the development areas and implementations of similar solutions. The implemented projects at such financial institutions as "Bank Russian Standard", Bank of Moscow, "the Ural Financial House", "the Moscow Credit Bank", AK Bars bank, SIAB, Evraziysky Bank became bright confirmation to that. The trend of high-quality development and creation of the front office systems, the most customer-oriented bank, allows us and further to expect expansion of the list of the partner banks implementing our technology in the business processes, implementing "easy and flexible" the front office of bank.