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Diasoft Framework

The name of the base system (platform): Flextera
Developers: Diasoft
Last Release Date: 2017/11/30
Branches: Financial services, investments and audit
Technology: SOA,  Systems of remote banking


Diasoft Framework is the software platform representing the multicomponent environment for the accelerated development of the different accounting, analytical and also supporting operational work business applications.

The solution integrates methodologies, tools, libraries and ready-made software solutions. Diasoft Framework allows quickly and cheap, using industry standards, to create the modern business applications maintaining multilingual capability and the greatest possible set of channels of access and also providing the high level of security of transactions. Diasoft Framework is the software platform representing the multicomponent environment for the accelerated development of the different accounting, analytical and also supporting operational work business applications.

Applications on the Diasoft Framework platform can be unrolled on a broad spectrum of hardware platforms, are well scaled and are capable to maintain extremely high loads.

The free version of the Diasoft Framework Community Edition platform is available.


Compatibility with "Red OS 7.1 Murom"

The companies "Diasoft Platform", entering into group "Diasoft", and Red Soft declared on June 1, 2018 a possibility of joint operation of the software products — Diasoft Framework and OS "Red OS 7.1 Murom". Such conclusion was drawn based on testing of solutions of partners. In more detail here.


Integration of front biometrics from NtechLab

The Russian supplier of IT solutions Diasoft Platform in November, 2017 integrated into Diasoft Framework front biometrics from NtechLab company — developer in the field of neural networks. Now — platforms the range of services including a sensing technology of persons, sex determination, age and emotions of the person is available to users of Diasoft Framework to business process automation —. Opportunities will help the companies to distinguish the clients, will ensure security of transactions and will allow to personalize service.

The algorithm NtechLab is created on the basis of neural networks and allows to distinguish persons with an accuracy of 80% in base up to 500 million images. At the extent of base up to 1000 images the accuracy of recognition reaches 97%. Search of the specific person among 1 billion persons takes only 0.5 seconds.

Thus, the system of face recognition is capable to stop access for malefactors to important transactions, claim in the company.

At swindlers it will not turn out to issue the credit or to perform other operations with someone else's passport. To the operator the notification about possible mismatch will come, and he will be able to take additional precautionary measures. Besides, a system is useful at investigation of incidents, to a time recording of employees and their check on reliability — the CEO of NtechLab Mikhail Ivanov explained.

Also the option of face recognition allows to personalize service. A system identifies the client on an input that employees could offer it the most suitable products and services.

The option Diasoft Framework is expected the organizations having network of front offices. Identification of clients helps to increase sales to the companies worldwide, first of all, in the financial sphere and retail — the managing director Diasoft Platform Konstantin Varov noted.

Integration with the products Oz Forensics

Diasoft Platform and Oz Forensics announced on July 24 technology partnership and integration of software platforms of own development. Thanks to it the organizations will have functionality for identification of digital counterfeits and biometric identification in a format of uniform program implementation with products of Diasoft Platform.

For counteraction to digital fraud in electronic document management and also at biometric identification and verification of clients and employees of the core banking system, developed on the platformDiasoft Framework, are delivered together with modulesOz PhotoExpert andOz Biometry from Oz Forensics. The module Oz PhotoExpert allows to automate authentication of digital copies of documents, to reveal digital counterfeits in flows and archives of electronic documents.

In turn, Oz Biometry is intended for biometric identification on a photo and video during the work with clients and partners. The module is also used to prevention of insider risks and can be used for multifactor authentication and authorization of own employees in the local area network.

"Transfer of business processes to online and failure from paper document flow for benefit of electronic is impossible without use of means of protecting from digital fraud. Financial losses from digital counterfeits and not entrusted identification, the raised load of the divisions revealing fraud are almost daily risks of our customers. Integration of Oz Forensics with Diasoft Platform automates process of prevention of such digital fraud in uniform implementation with the core banking system" — Konstantin Varov, the CEO Diasoft Platform commented.
"Need of consolidation of functionality of our software platforms is a natural reaction to an economy didzhitalization. We implemented seamless embedding of checks of Oz Forensics in the automated processes of the organizations using products of Diasoft Platform. In practice of check of Oz Forensics in a flow of e-document flow can be implemented before the digital copies which came to the IC and a photo are available to work with them. Reports of the Oz Forensics system can be submitted in the ABS interface or be unloaded in the PDF format. Verdicts of rather arrived photos and documents can be provided in a format which is admitted to the organizations for incident assessment (scoring point of coincidence, red-yellow-green, etc.). Complete reporting documents are customized under requirements of business process of the organization and always contain a full range of information, necessary for investigation of a fraud. For example, can be included the text and graphic information about the detected counterfeits in the report, display of the areas of documents changed by swindlers or inappropriate to the photos of persons placed in the passport" — Artem Gerasimov, the CEO and the founder of Oz Forensics told.

2016: Inclusion in the Register of the Russian software

In April, 2016 the Unified register of the Russian programs included the system Diasoft Framework platform of the Diasoft Platform company entering into Diasoft group.

2013: Change of the name with Diasoft Framework

The platform for creation of business applications from Diasoft company found in the summer of 2013 a new name: instead of FLEXTERA Framework the platform began to be called Diasoft Framework.

Creation of the FLEXTERA Framework platform based on technologies SOA and Java, began in Diasoft company in 2005. Initially based on the platform applications for the banking sector were developed: for example, the front - and middle-office solutions of Diasoft company. The platform received the first own name in 2008 — the System FLEXTERA platform. In 2010 it was transformed to FLEXTERA Framework.

Over time the range of application of the platform considerably extended: now on it applications for the financial sector, trade, the medical industry, the industry are developed. The new, open and freely expanded platform demanded a new name – the name Diasoft Framework so was born.