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Баннер в шапке 2


Developers: Datex Software, WebSoft (WebSoft Development)
Date of the premiere of the system: May 2000
Last Release Date: August 2024
Branches: Consulting, including management and personnel
Technology: HRM


2024: Integration with the "Virtual PBX" TransTeleCom

The Virtual PBX product from TransTeleCom makes it easier to work with candidates and applicants thanks to the convenient integration module with E-Staff software. This was announced by TransTeleCom on April 3, 2024. Read more here.

2023: Integration with VATS "Telfin"

On February 7, 2023 provider , communication services "" announced Telfin that it had updated integration with E-Staff. With updated integration functionality, the efficiency of HR agencies is enhanced by automating communications business processes with candidates. More. here

2016: E-Staff Recruiter 4.7

List of key functional changes in E-Staff Recruiter 4.7 from the previous version (as of September 2016):

  • A new interface for finding candidates on sites.
    • The ability to specify logic in the list of keywords, as well as the search area.
    • Search multiple regions at the same time.
    • Search based on readiness to move to the selected region.
    • Search taking into account the presence of a photo.
    • Filter on the level of fluency in foreign languages.
    • Standardized type of summary in the preview phase.
    • The ability to select the current vacancy for quick selection of the resumes found for it.

  • Updated interface for posting vacancies and collecting responses from sites.

    • The ability to publish a job advertisement simultaneously in several regions.
    • Statistics on responses in the context of each vacancy.
    • View responses online (the response is marked as viewed at the time of actual viewing).

  • Support for new sites in the Internet module.

    • Linked.In (one-click transfer of resume).
    • (job posting).
    • (posting vacancies and collecting responses).
    • New version of (posting vacancies and importing resumes).

  • General changes to the interface.

    • The ability to open any section of the program in a separate window.
    • Support for card applications that contain multiple files.
    • Downloading applications to cards via the Web interface.
    • For individual fields in the candidate and vacancy card, it is possible to specify in which section to show the field - 'General Information' or 'Add. details'.

  • New fields in the cards.

    • 'Country' (organization, contact person, vacancy and candidate).
    • 'Employee Status.'
    • 'Cost Center' (vacancy).
    • 'Confidential vacancy'.

  • New functionality for working with vacancies.

    • Stages of selection by vacancy.
    • Search start date.
    • The ability to disable the notification of the recruiter about the change of the status of his vacancy by another user, as well as the ability to force such notification without asking for confirmation of the user.
    • Disable the option'Ask for confirmation to change the status of candidates who have not passed the vacancy '.
    • Turn off the'Ask for confirmation to send a notification to applicants who have not passed the job 'option.

  • New functionality for working with candidates.

    • Search for the presence of applications of a certain type in the candidate card
    • The ability to specify the period of work without a day or without a month.
    • Automatic identification of the donor company by the last job of the candidate.
    • When importing a candidate from a mail message with multiple attachments, the program will display a list of attachments to select from.
    • Option to automatically link candidate card and employee card
    • 'Call Back' section.
    • Option to automatically change the status of the probationary period in case of employee dismissal in the personnel accounting system.
    • Possibility of using a candidate as a contact person, and vice versa.

  • Setting up events.

    • The ability to set an arbitrary set of termination features for each type of event.
    • Standard signs of completing 'Underreport' and 'Call Back Later'.
    • The ability to specify an initial comment template for a specific event type.
    • Setting up reminders to candidates about upcoming interviews.

  • New access control capabilities.
  • Hierarchy of groups.

    • The ability to prevent viewing attachments of a certain type for candidate cards of other groups.
    • The ability to use a formatted signature from MS Outlook settings when generating a letter by template.

  • Create contact lists.
  • New report'Recruiters + Events'.
  • You can specify the hierarchical name of a business unit in reverse order.
  • The ability to display the user's full name instead of the login.

2011: E-Staff Recruiter Functionality

The E-Staff Recruiter software product is designed for HR services of recruiting companies and for HR agencies. E-Staff Recruiter is a full-cycle system that automates most routine recruiting operations.

  • Storage of the staffing structure (for personnel services of companies). The ability to automatically synchronize the standard structure with the internal personnel accounting system (1C, BOSS-Personnel, SAP, etc.) or the WebSoft corporate portal
  • Keeping records of customers (for HR agencies) as well as arbitrary counterparties (suppliers). Customer Relationship Accounting (CRM), Recruitment Cost Analysis
  • Accounting for vacancies and applications for the selection of employees. Import possibility of applying for a job by a manager through the corporate portal
  • Automatically post job ads online:
    • posting ads on top sites on the Internet in one operation (the list includes more than 40 sites).
    • Track retention on each site.
    • Re-posting ads that have expired.
    • automatic collection of responses from sites.

  • Search for Internet candidates.

    • Search multiple sites with a single query.
    • ability to transfer the found resumes to the company's internal database.
    • Track candidates who have been re-identified or have already been worked on.

  • Import candidate resumes from Microsoft Word or OpenOffice mailboxes and documents

    • automatic recognition of key information in the resume (full name, date of birth, address, phone number, e-mail, salary level);
    • manual and automatic import modes;

  • Working with candidates

    • acceptance into development
    • interview
    • tracking the status of the customer (division head)
    • tracking the time the candidate is in each of the statuses
    • hiring or rejecting
    • passing the probationary period
    • integration with Microsoft Outlook calendar
    • maintaining a complete database of candidates who have ever been in contact with you.

  • Customizable access for the customer (manager) to view candidates who have reached a certain selection stage through the corporate portal.

    • approval/rejection of the candidate by the manager.
    • evaluation of the candidate by the head (a group of evaluators) according to customizable assessment forms.

  • Can be assigned to test candidates through an external test system.

    • automatic assignment of a given set of tests to the candidate.
    • tracking the status of passing tests.
    • automatic upload of test results to E-Staff.

  • Keeping the full work history for each candidate, vacancy and customer:

    • interviews, phone contacts, changes in candidate status, recommendations checks, etc.

  • Send resumes and generic messages using custom templates.
  • Search for any data in the database both by formal criteria and by arbitrary words.
  • Allows multiple users to work online.

    • delimitation of access rights, obtaining information about the work of each recruiter.

  • Obtaining statistics both throughout the company and for each recruiter.

    • analysis on the efficiency of the selection process ("selection funnel").
    • analyst on the timing of job closures.
    • analyst on the effectiveness of candidates' sources of receipt and sources of job closures.
    • the ability to set up standard reports and create your own.

  • Expand the database with additional fields and reference books used in the company.
  • Integration with other software systems.

    • personnel accounting systems (Boss-Personnel Officer, 1C, SAP, etc.).
    • WebSoft Enterprise Portal.
    • WebTutor personnel testing and evaluation systems.