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EVOLA Take-to-Run

The name of the base system (platform): SAP ERP HCM
Developers: EVOLA
Technology: HRM


The standard solution EVOLA Take-to-Run is the software, ready to use, automating personnel management processes based on SAP HCM. The implementation methodology of EVOLA Take-to-Run provides quick start of an information system and allows to receive the information system satisfying basic needs of the company in the field of human capital management in short terms. Flexible approach allows each company to select those processes which are necessary for it. All processes are documented and ready to demonstration and implementation.

The functional volume of the solution EVOLA Take-to-Run currently includes:

1. Management of organizational and regular creation
2. Personnel records
3. Planning and time recording
4. Payroll
5. Management of development and talent pool
6. Management by objectives
6. Management of corporate training
7. Consolidated statements
8. Key performance indicators
9. Planning and modeling of staff expenses

Having attentively studied business processes and requirements of the companies for the personnel management plan, based on world and own experience of process automation of personnel management, the EVOLA company created the solution EVOLA Take-to-Run based on SAP ERP of HCM in which we tried to consider everything the customer requirements revealed during the analysis to information systems. The purpose of solution development of EVOLA Take-to-Run was mainly the scope of all standard processes in the field of personnel management, simplification and acceleration of process of software implementation of SAP with the corresponding reduction in cost and availability to the bigger number of the companies.

The company collected and systematized the requirements, most typical for clients, tried to unify as much as possible, to describe in detail and to programmatically implement business processes.

For the purpose of ensuring personnel management the solution EVOLA Take-to-Run implements:

  • Reliability of up-to-date and historical data
  • The regulated step-by-step execution of operations on processes
  • Timeliness of the full reporting and necessary information data analysis Unified information and methodological basis of the solution
  • The regulated processes the Methodological basis of the solution is the description of accurately built and regulated processes on personnel management that allows all participants of process to know precisely the sequence of execution of operations by contractors (personnel officers, time management, calculation specialists, heads, workers).

To need of regulation not only HR, but also all business processes each modern enterprise since it considerably facilitates comes in due time, accelerates and improves work of the organization in general, at the same time doing more predicted result and terms, evenly distributing loading and providing full control of each process. It is the inevitable procedure at automation of work of business division or enterprise in general, she demands certain time and qualification of consultants and methodologists, and, naturally, the enterprises seldom pay it sufficient attention without explicit need. As a result, deciding to automate this or that division, the companies face huge layer of work which requires time and money. One of interpretations of a solution name of EVOLA Take-to-Run – "Take to Begin to Work" is just lack of this stage in the course of implementing solution. Relying on own and world experience of process automation of personnel management using the SAP solutions ERP HCM, consultants of EVOLA company worked and already described processes:

  • personnel records (acceptance, transfer, dismissal, holiday, ave.),
  • managements of organizational and regular creation (change of the staff list, ave.),
  • planning and time recording,
  • payroll,
  • performance managements (management by objectives),
  • managements of remunerations of personnel,
  • managements of development and corporate training,
  • selection and arrangement of personnel,
  • settings and estimates of the key performance indicators (KPI) of activity of services of personnel management,

planning of number and staff expenses which are executed by contractors – participants of processes based on the information solution in a certain sequence. Having described HR processes, we reduced to zero a stage of their analysis and design that allows not only to reduce considerably time and cost of automation of HR of division, but also to reach unambiguous understanding of HR of processes of the company by all participants and to make them more managed.

The regulated step-by-step execution of operations on processes:

  • Operations on processes are executed by participants of process (specialists, managers, workers …) in the set sequence.
  • Each participant can execute only those transactions and only with those data on which he has powers.
  • Transactions are followed by formation of necessary documents or are executed directly with documents (orders, reports, references, questionnaires, sheets, the ave.) which then if necessary will be approved/affirm and remain.

Thanks to the statuses each participant of process always knows about need or a possibility of execution of operations that he provides an order, completeness of actions and accuracy of the data on personnel for the analysis.

The reliability of up-to-date and historical data is maintained:

  • detailed classification and structurization,
  • uniform storage location, lack of duplication,
  • registration in the place of emergence,
  • comparison to that interval of time on which they are relevant.

The full reporting, necessary information data analysis allow:

  • create the report document for the selected workers and the selected time (time frame),
  • perform the choice of workers for the analysis by different criteria on the basis of their data (the direct instruction of divisions / regular positions, range, within a separate branch of structure),
  • create lists, perform sorting, range,
  • create the intermediate and final results (summing) for criteria (divisions, categories, positions/professions, grades, the ave.),
  • unroll/contract on groups of information,
  • perform Contrastive analysis on time frames, by other criteria,
  • calculate ratios between groups of information, define %, shares, to observe dynamics of changes, benchmarking,
  • define cause and effect interrelations of indicators, model change of some after change of others,
  • create graphic representations,
  • place in the MS Office applications (Excel, Word), Adobe,
  • print documents and analysis results on paper, to send reports on e-mail,
  • create electronic files for transfer to inspections/funds (RPF, the PIT, UST).

Short terms of implementation (about two months) on an absence reason of the phases "Design" and "Configuration" and, as a result, the low implementation cost of the project in comparison with "classical" implementation.

Informative filling

The functional volume of the solution EVOLA Take-to-Run the Solution for EVOLA Take-to-Run personnel management based on HCM SAP ERP includes all its functional volume and corresponds to the legislation of the Russian Federation, including provides reporting in the inspecting state bodies.

  Управление организационно-штатным построением   Кадровый учет
·    создание и поддержание в актуальном состоянии организационной структуры 

·    modeling and forecasting of an organization structure ·    creation and support of the directory of working conditions for production divisions, including with lists of RPF ·    formation  of the staff list in the unified T-3 form

·    процессы движения персонала (прием, перевод, увольнение, отпуск, др.)

·    calculation of the relying holiday days, vacation planning ·    calculation of required types of experiences (insurance, in the industry, in areas with special conditions) ·    the unified forms on work accounting ·    the reporting (ADV forms) according to requirements of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation ·    data processing and reporting on military accounting ·    data processing and reporting on encouragement (awards), collectings

  Планирование и учет рабочего времени   Расчет заработной платы
·    планирование графиков рабочего времени для различных режимов работы и учета рабочего времени (нормальный, гибкий, сменный, вахтовый, применение суммированного учета)

·    data recording of time keeping (appearances, absences on different types, the reasons) ·    accounting of dresses on piece work ·    the analysis and calculation of types of time on the basis of planned and/or the actual temporary events ·    formation of the sheet of working time (including T-13 form)


·    полностью автоматизированный регулярный расчет начислений, удержаний и налогов

·    formation of payments during an intersettlement period (advance payments, charges on holidays, payment of premiums, calculations at dismissal) ·    sheets and transfers in cash desk and in bank ·    recalculations of the salary, including the last periods with determination of deltas on payment types ·    modeling of the salary at any moment ·    transfer of results of calculation in financial accounting for accomplishment of accounting entries and the cost accounting ·    analytical reports by types of charges/deduction ·    the reporting and electronic unloadings in tax authorities

Control functions by personnel potential

   Подбор персонала   Управление по целям
·    учет кандидатов из числа внешних и внутренних

·    search of the summary in the database ·    independent registration of candidates ·    access for candidates to information on vacancies ·    candidate screen ·    mailing of information messages  to participants of process of selection, interview and analysis of competences ·    integration with different personnel recruitment agencies (websites)

·    оценка персонала руководством и экспертами

·    estimates 360 ° ·    goal setting ·    calculation of final efficiency of the worker based on evaluating the KPI (KPI)

  Управление вознаграждениями персонала
·    development of different motivational schemes

·    planning and calculation of remunerations

   Управление корпоративным обучением    Управление развитием
·    организация очного и дистанционного обучения

·    planning of training events ·    carrying out training ·    analysis of results of training 

·    построение модели компетенций

·    assessment of competences of personnel ·    creation of individual and group career trees ·    creation of development plans for employees ·    management of a talent pool

Strategic management by personnel

  Планирование численности и расходов на персонал   Ключевые показатели эффективности
·    планирование ФОТ, расходов на обучение, командировки, подбор персонала, затрат по социальным программам

·    modeling of staff costs on the basis of planning parameters (the planned number, the average salary on employee categories, the planned budget on one enterprise, cost of social security, cost of the target training program and the planned number of target programs, etc.) preparation of cost plans for the enterprise in general and for separate divisions

•    расчет Ключевых показателей эффективности HR служб
  •     the detailed information analysis on performance indicators
  •     determination of causes and effect relationships between indicators       

•    консолидированная отчетность
  •     multidimensional data analysis

Technology basis of the solution

Based on modern technologies of creation of information systems and such SAP products as SAP ERP, SAP BI, including SAP BusinessObjects, BPM Galaxy (SOA methodology), we put in the solution EVOLA Take-to-Run such qualities as:

Simplicity and convenience of operation:

  • the uniform (standardized) interfaces (screens, the menu, arrangement of information),
  • uniform data warehouse,
  • uniform reference books,
  • rules of maintaining data for all users of a system regardless of the executed functions (the personnel officer, the selection specialist, on salary, the head, the worker, the ave.), geographical structure of a branch network and the number of personnel, allow without inaccuracies and additional amendments, explanations and duplication to request, receive, use, change, to generate information on personnel within processes. It significantly saves time of the employees working with information. For example, the connectivity to processes in an information system of workers and line managers, minimizes time necessary for formation of requests and preparation of necessary information on personnel (process of vacation, purpose of awards, a summary request, the request for a compensatory leave/holiday, the request for the reference, the PIT form, the ave.).

The fullest functional automation the fullest automation - the next step of development of information systems. Earlier automation assumed data recording in the separate screen forms on all personnel management processes often separated into separate, not always obvious parts, and only then these data were used for formation of documents, references and obtaining the reporting.

The solution EVOLA Take-to-Run allows to work with personnel documents directly in electronic form (orders, forms, requests, questionnaires, cards, the ave.), assumes implementation of the electronic digital signature and failure from paper turnover. Numbers, the statuses of execution, approval, a signing/statement are determined by necessary documents. Documents can always be received in that original form in which they were recorded. The changed data on personnel become relevant only when their change is supported by the document signed by the head (if it is required). The completeness of automation assumes also accomplishment of all payment under primary data, for example: calculation of experiences, holiday days, overtime, night time, not to mention calculation of all salary. The completeness of automation, convenience of work with documents, relevance of data, clearness of the regulated processes allow to reduce not only time for implementation of transactions with personnel, but also costs for control functions by personnel, giving an opportunity of removal of a part of basic accounting routine transactions with data on personnel on outsourcing.

Integrability with other information systems the Regulated processes and the single standardized interfaces allow to change quickly and easily process even if any transactions are executed in an external information system (for example, processing of the waybill, issue of the equipment in temporary use, the ave.). Abilities to integrate allow to save time for communication with other systems, and, naturally, reduce overall runtime of processes as there is no need of semi-automatic integration (with handmade adding on unloading loading of files).


  • small probability of failures inherent to quality of the software of SAP
  • full support of system operation in the warranty and post warranty period

The flexibility and simplicity of changes allows participants of processes to adapt quicker to new conditions, so, to save time on transition processes and to spend less time and funds for making changes, providing, thus, stable compliance of processes to relevant statutory requirements and changes in the company (change of processes, change of tasks of business, growth, reduction, the ave.).

The relevance is maintained thanks to a possibility of fast and easy changing of the regulated personnel management processes: · change of the sequence of transactions (instead of "at first a regular position and a salary – then data on acceptance" it is possible easily on the contrary: "at first data on the accepted worker – then a regular position and a salary"),

  • adding or canceling of separate transactions (for example, to include the transaction "issue of the cell phone" or "interview in a security service" or to cancel),
  • change of the executive in charge of this or that transaction and so forth.

Monitoring of accomplishment of processes In the solution EVOLA Take-to-Run function of monitoring of processes is implemented: a system announces each following participant need of accomplishment of the next action and also traces time which passes between transactions. Thus, it is possible to control the current and future contractors, to analyze time spent by participants for accomplishment of separate transactions and process in general. Control and the analysis of time, as a rule, reveals possibilities of optimization of activity unknown earlier that finally influences reduction of runtime of transactions and the general financial result.

Moshchnost and availability analysts Moshchnost of representation and modeling, fast availability of analytical means, compliance to relevant requirements of business, help to make optimal management decisions (including on change of number, budgets, motivation, on training, the ave.), increasing overall effectiveness of business. These analytical tools allow:

  • analyze data bulks in different foreshortenings,
  • develop, enlarge, transform, find ratios and create other representations,
  • select and calculate activity indicators,
  • make contrastive analysis in time and in the market environment (benchmarking),
  • set and monitor causes and effect relationships between indicators,
  • model change of indicators at change of any parameters: for example, as wage fund will change if to liquidate the number of overtime due to attraction for work of new workers, or due to change of working schedules. Available reliable data analysis with opportunities of modeling allow to optimize and justify management decisions that will favorably influence business development.

Ease, simplicity of deployment: "Take-to-Run" In the solution EVOLA Take-to-Run is all necessary for start and the beginning of work documents and packets of a configuration in a system therefore it is necessary only a few months for loading in the system of initial data and user training then – "RUN" – the beginning of operation. Our company works on easier model of operation of the solution which consists in a possibility of creation of the information solution based on the modern web technologies allowing to purchase and use it by the SaaS method.

In this case on the website of the customer the "iron" equipment and the software is not installed, the staff of specialists of IT in support of the equipment and software is not employed, everything is executed by the partner giving an opportunity to use the information solution for the rent. At the same time are observed the law on personal data protection, all processes are supported, form and if necessary documents are printed. The supplier undertakes all cares on maintenance of the information solution in the current working status. At such method of use of the information solution of costs for technical implementation, operation service, staff of specialists, control of the taken measures for updating of a system come down for the customer to zero.

The structure of the solution Solution EVOLA Take-to-Run is a full-fledged information product which is created based on SAP ERP of HCM and contains the following principal components:

  • 1) Files of system configuration:
    • BC Sets;
    • EVOLA TTR Add-on;
    • library of services.

  • 2) Documents for users:

    • description of business processes and reporting;
    • instructions for users;
    • scenarios of verification of the loaded data.

  • 3) Documents on deployment and service:

    • description of a configuration;
    • description of roles and powers;
    • installation guide and to solution deployment;
    • the guide to loading of initial data for start of the solution;
    • solution implementation methodology (list of works, plan, regulations of actions);
    • conditions and regulations of warranty and post warranty service.

All files and documents are provided on a DVD disk, complete with the necessary accompanying documentation.

Start in operation the Solution EVOLA Take-to-Run is proposed in two options of installation differing in the volume and the price:

  • 1) The BASIC option includes the following works:
    • installation of the solution on the client's equipment,
    • user training,
    • ensuring loading of initial data for start of the solution,
    • control and verification of the loaded data.

  • 2) The OPTIMAL variant of implementation includes BAZOVY + user support within the first month of productive operation. The guarantee Regardless of the selected complete set and functional volume, on the standard solution EVOLA Take-to-Run is provided the warranty certificate for a period of 5 years. During this period the EVOLA company undertakes to correct errors of the set version of the solution.

In addition to warranty service the EVOLA company renders expanded services in service of operation of a system:

  • updates of the set version,
  • transitions to new versions,
  • user support, the ave. Separately it should be noted that the value of the solution EVOLA Take-to-Run is supported with clear and specific calculation of benefits and the advantages got in result of use of the solution EVOLA Take-to-Run. Bukin Egor Vladimirovich Manager of projects of EVOLA company


The page of the solution on a developer's site