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Eastwind the National messenger for Uzbekistan

Developers: Eastwind
Date of the premiere of the system: 2018/01/16
Branches: Government and social institutions,  Internet services

"The national messenger" for Uzbekistan is the ecosystem integrating the state, business and citizens in a format of mobile application. Its functionality is designed to satisfy needs of users for communication on the Internet and also to give them several advantages thanks to the fact that it is the state platform.

Key features:

  • Access to useful services: an opportunity to write the child in kindergarten or to pay penalties through mobile.
  • Creation of the e-wallet in the messenger and implementation of payments by the QR code: an opportunity to transfer money to other users, to pay services and purchases.
  • Possibility of purchase / d-and air tickets: an opportunity to find and pay the necessary tickets without traditional queues.
  • Uniform access to media entertainments: an opportunity to watch movies, to listen to music and to read user and business channels.
  • National social network: an opportunity to find any person if he is registered in the messenger.

For the state the project guarantees:

  • Transparency and data security: all information is stored on the state servers.
  • Unified environment for interaction of business, the state organizations and the population: regular monitoring of data will allow to reveal and prevent fraud.
  • Systematization of data and access to BI- and predictive analytics: it is possible not only collect and unload nation-wide statistics, but also to analyze and predict moods and needs of citizens.
  • Monetization of the platform: the minimum annual income from the commissions on transaction and a subscription fee for subscriptions to channels is estimated at $175 million.

2018: Announcement

Eastwind in January submitted the National Messenger project for Uzbekistan. The concept of the offered project relies on experience of China. Specialists of Eastwind considered prevalence of messengers in Uzbekistan where the popular platform for communication is Telegram, and offered the project of painless digitalization of economy of the republic.

functionality of "The national messenger" is designed to satisfy needs of users for communication on the Internet. At the same time, as expected, the single mobile platform motivates telecom operators on development of networks: as of January, 2018, the average speed of Internet connection in Uzbekistan is 10 times lower, than in other CIS countries. With implementation of "The national messenger" not only telecommunications, but also business, content providers, transport networks will not be able to ignore an available and simple way to users, are convinced of Eastwind.

Implementation of such mobile ecosystem will allow Uzbekistan to make quantum jump in digital economy — Boris Bubnov, the director of Eastwind presenting the project in Tashkent considers. — Negotiations showed that "The national messenger" in many respects meets requirements of the Center of development of the Electronic Government system.