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edna.Chatcenter (formerly Threads)

The name of the base system (platform): edna Omnichannel Customer Platform
Developers: Edna, USC (formerly mfms)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2022/11/08
Last Release Date: 2023/02/02
Technology: CRM,  CRM - Loyalty Systems


Main article: CRM (Customer Relationship Management System)

edna.Chatcenter (formerly Threads) is a customizable platform for organizing sales and customer support in digital channels.


Integration with SaluteBot chatbot

Chat boat SaluteBot from SberDevices integrated with edna chat center. The partnership will provide Russian a large business public sector and comprehensive solution for organizing effective and secure omnicanal communications with customers. SberDevices announced this on March 15, 2023. More. here

Add a feature to send outgoing messages to all clients

The developers chat of the center edna have added a function for sending outgoing to messages new and current clients: now you can initiate communication, and not wait for the client to write first. Previously, companies could write only to those users who themselves turned to the contact center. This option allows you to send outgoing messages to all customers, regardless of whether they have contacted contact center the company or not. This was announced on February 2, 2023 by the company. Edna

Outgoing messages are needed for proactive communications, point-to-point work with customers and increased sales. The function will be useful for marketing, sales, support, HR. This option allows you to select the client, channel, message type, and action after sending.

It also became possible to select a channel for sending an outgoing message, and select a further dialogue scenario - who will continue to communicate with the client - a personal manager or bot.

It will become easier to work on errors in the communication of operators and improve the quality of service to existing customers. For example, the supervisor can view the correspondence in completed chats, and if he notices errors, inaccuracies - ask the manager or operator to give the client more accurate/updated information.

Among the business opportunities:

  • you can transfer customers to a cheaper channel (chat) from calls;
  • no need to refine CRM and engage third-party developers when it becomes necessary to send messages to customers who have not yet written to the chat themselves;
  • a company manager can contact a customer on a WhatsApp channel, even if the last dialogue was more than 24 hours ago;
  • It has become easier to optimize work with personal offers for customers - the manager creates a chat with the client, sends an offer, communicates and answers questions.

Proactive communication with customers is important, since sales are growing for those who start and build communication, and not just respond to incoming requests,
noted Liubov Moiseyeva, product director of the edna chat center.

2022: Mobile Workplace Option Release

The Russian company Edna announced on November 8, 2022, the release of an option in the edna chat center - a mobile workplace. Now the contact center employees can accept customer requests and fully work with them from mobile devices: as a result, the response time is reduced and the client service is significantly improved, as well as the number of cross-sales increases.

The mobile workplace will be relevant for all companies where there are contact centers, as well as for personal brokers, real estate agents, managers of construction companies, etc.

The edna chat center is a single window for the operator to work in digital channels: instant messengers, social networks, e-mail, chat on the site and in the mobile application. The main features of the mobile workplace: detailed reporting and integration with CRM. The company is important for the speed of response and the solution of the user's request. For maximum efficiency, it is necessary to enable the operator to communicate with the user not only from a computer, but also from a smartphone that is always at hand. But at the same time, preserve all the features of the chat center: a controlled unified field with a communication history and analytics on the operator's work
told Nikolai Savelyev, business partner of the edna chat center product.

The development of a mobile workplace started in August 2022. The impulse was the task from one of the clients of the edna chat center fitness clubs : premium networks. World Class Personal network sales managers often communicate with customers after hours. time The questions coming from the client, in this case, are not decided by the contact center operator, but by the manager, since preliminary agreements are important.

World Class needed:

  • transfer dialogues with clients to a controlled field - a single chat platform;
  • get tools for routing: if the personal manager does not answer, then transfer communication to other employees;
  • implement a tool for remote work, for example, if the manager is in the fitness room or at an on-site meeting.

The mobile workplace allows you to exclude communication between managers in personal channels. This helps to preserve the customer base, communication between company managers in digital channels is transparent: it is convenient for both management and themselves,
Nikolai Savelyev added.

The solution is available on Android 9 + and iOS13 +. The mobile workplace is implemented using web development technologies, but is embedded in the "wrapper" of the mobile application. The web interface for the operator (available in the browser, web fluffs are supported for Chrome).

2021: Integration with MIS Infoklinika

The integration of the edna chat center with the Infoklinika MIS, carried out in 2021, made it possible to reduce the waiting time for the response of the contact center operators. This was reported on May 16, 2022 by edna. Read more here.