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Etton: Construction departures

Developers: Etton
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/05/29
Branches: Construction and Construction Materials Industry
Technology: Satellite Communications and Navigation,  Accounting Systems

2024: Presentation of the Stroyotkhody complex

GK Etton"" has developed a digital complex "Stroyotkhody" for the waste management market. The company announced this on May 29, 2024.

source = Etton

The software and hardware complex "Stroyotokhody" is a system for managing the life cycle of construction waste at all stages: from formation to the involvement of useful fractions in secondary circulation. The solution is intended for construction and contracting organizations, carriers, processors and responsible government agencies.

The system displays information on places and volumes of construction waste generation, places of disposal and burial, unauthorized landfills, visualizes the movement of specialized vehicles.

The Digital Coupon electronic service for issuing permits for the transportation of construction waste, which is part of the system, monitors the movement of construction waste, excludes the transportation of waste by unregistered carriers. Cameras with artificial intelligence recognize construction waste carriers, check the presence of a digital ticket by the machine's license holder. If the vehicle is not registered in the system, the offender automatically receives a fine.

The Stroyotkhody complex integrates with GLONASS navigation services for monitoring transport in real time, with weighing equipment at processors to record the actual mass of waste imported for processing, and with smart road cameras to determine the route of transport movement.

The expected socio-economic effects of the introduction of Stroyotokhodov are a decrease in the number of illegal landfills and an increase in the amount of waste, sent for processing, budget savings for landfill liquidation at the stage of occurrence, reducing labor costs for the preparation of procedural documentation, income to the regional budget due to identified violations, ensuring transparency of construction and repair waste flows, formation of a unified register of waste generators, carriers and processors, industry transparency of the operation of the regoperator, reducing the negative impact of waste on the environment and the health of citizens, - said Efim Klimov, General Director of Etton Group of Companies.