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FinPlatform T1

Developers: T1 Innoteh (Innoteh Group of Companies)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/10/17
Branches: Financial Services, Investments and Auditing
Technology: Application Development Tools

2024: Presentation of FinPlatform T1

T1 Holding presented FinPlatform T1, which reduces the time to market banking products to 25 days. The developer announced this on October 17, 2024. The solution allows you to simultaneously and independently develop more than 300 services within the perimeter of one company, which optimizes the time and financial costs of the business.   The platform, created by T1 Innoteh, implements a large set of templates and automation tools that reduce the time required to develop, test and validate solutions. The platform supports an open API architecture, which allows hundreds of commands to work in a single space.   A bank has been selected to pilot the platform. VTB After introducing the system IT infrastructure into the bank, the financial institution will be able to increase the indicator of daily opened accumulative accounts to more than 20 thousand and issue more than 10 thousand credit debit cards, and also process more than a million payments of medium and small businesses.  

In  the context of high competition in the banking industry, optimization of development becomes an urgent request of financial organizations. The rapid creation of products and their launch on the market is the key to maintaining the attractiveness of the bank in the eyes of customers and ensuring high process performance. The introduction of the FinPlatform T1 into VTB will allow us to effectively cope with the growing volume of operations and at the same time maintain a high level of security, "said Vadim Kulik, Deputy President and Chairman of the Management Board of VTB Bank.


When the industry faced restrictions on the use of foreign ones, automatic banking systems we began to develop our own solution on a microservice architecture. For a year and a half, a lot of work has been done to create - IT products for banks with the necessary functionality. As of October 2024, we have consolidated these developments in FinPlatform T1 and are introducing it into VTB. Our plans are to bring the solution to the market in 2025, which will speed up the transition Russian banks to an import-independent one, "commented ONAlexey Fetisov T1, CEO of the Holding.
