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GMonit Observability Platform

Developers: HyperSoftLab (GMonit)
Last Release Date: 2024/02/12
Technology: Network Application Performance Management Systems


The Observability platform GMonit is a fully Russian solution based on world practices, designed to increase the transparency of information systems for developers and businesses.


Integration with the Instrucbase Web Service

GMonit Teachbase integrated IT Monitoring Company in. Web Training Service Instrucbase announced this on March 28, 2024. More. here

Launch SAP Performance Monitoring Functionality

The developers have launched additional functionality in the observability platform GMonit, which allows you to monitor the performance of SAP applications integrated with Russian companies and maintain the health of systems: SAP ERP, SAP CRM, SAP SCM, SAP EWM, SAP HCM, SAP BI/BW, SAP PO/PI, etc. HeiperSoftLab (GMonit) announced this on February 12, 2024.

Almost two years ago, the key supplier of applications for business SAP stopped the sale of products to customers from the Russian Federation and announced the complete termination of technical support. In this regard, there was an urgent need for SAP specialists. The business began to attract local partners to carry out maintenance of German products, increasing budgets, but not receiving the level of vendor support. Many companies began to develop in-house expertise and at the same time engage in migration to Russian solutions.

As of February 2024, most of the installed SAP systems continue to function, but it is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to ensure their uninterrupted operation due to the lack of updates. The task of monitoring the performance of SAP systems has traditionally been helped by companies to solve the SAP Solution Manager product, the limited functionality of which does not always provide a high-quality solution to problems. The module allows you to monitor the operation of only SAP systems without monitoring the impact of integrations with external systems, has a limited set of SAP metrics that do not take into account the specifics of the customer's business, and is not optimized in terms of usability.

Understanding the needs of the market, the GMonit team, together with K2 Consult, developed the observability functionality of the platform, which provides end-to-end monitoring of SAP operation and interaction with other systems at the levels of business metrics, user, application and databases. The GMonit team provides technical support for its product and releases regular updates.

Despite the fact that SAP is leaving Russia, the need for support will remain for several more years. We see in our clients and large businesses as a whole an urgent need for alternative tools for monitoring SAP applications, since current solutions no longer cover their needs, "said Igor Pustovetov, GMonit CEO. - SAP Solution Manager is difficult to use for technical support commands: the configuration and operation of the module requires deep expertise from specialists, which is in short supply and expensive. In addition, the tool sees metrics only inside SAP, and problems in applications often arise at the integration level. GMonit also allows you to monitor integration between SAP modules and other systems in the customer loop, and ensure the smooth operation of all SAP applications.

Given the current trends and legislative changes, it is expected that in the next 2-3 years the share of Russian software in the enterprise software market will reach 70-75%. Obviously, the transition period will be difficult, so we are glad to assist teams in the development and creation of Russian products, including those supporting SAP technologies, like GMonit, which will simplify the life of many large companies and bring their technological equipment to a new level, - said K2 CEO Consult Alexander Nikolaev.

This SAP K2 GMonit tool has already been integrated into several large companies.

2023: Inclusion in the register of domestic software

The GMonit observability platform was included in. register of domestic software Ministry of Digital Development This was announced on May 22, 2023 by the company. HyperSoftLab (GMonit)

After passing the GMonit audit by the expert council of the Ministry of Digital Development for compliance with the Rules for the formation and maintenance of the Unified Register, the observation platform was included in the register of domestic software.

The selection stages included such as checking the technology stack and all GMonit components for restrictions on use in the Russian Federation, legally checking the company for its Russian identity, the ability to demonstrate the test version of the observability platform and determining classes: programs for computers and databases and according to the all-Russian product classifier by type of economic activity. Also, the expert commission confirmed the availability of all the necessary licenses, checked information about the processes of developing an IT product, its support and checked the information on the software website.

The inclusion of GMonit in the register of domestic software of the Ministry of Digital Development will provide the company with a number of advantages over competitors: the ability to participate state in orders, joining the projects of the largest companies, countries as well as financial support from. governments