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Developers: Krasnogorsk Zverev Plant (KMZ)
Branches: Space industry

2024: Putting the satellite into orbit

At the end of March 2024, the space remote sensing satellite Lands "" No. Resource-P 4 was launched into orbit, which is equipped with optical and electronic equipment "Geoton-L1," which allows you to create accurate maps of the area and identify places of emergency. The equipment is developed and manufactured by specialists Krasnogorsk Zverev Plant (KMZ, part of the state corporation holding SchwabeRostec).

According to the press service of Rostec, the Geoton-L1 system has a long-focus lens lens Actinius-4AG, which allows you to recognize objects of 70 cm at a distance of 475 km from the surface of the planet with high reliability. The lens, created at the Lytkarinsky Optical Glass Plant (LZOS), provides highly detailed shooting of the earth's surface in a mode close to real time, the manufacturer says.

source = Rostec
The space satellite of remote sensing of the Earth "Resource-P" No. 4 was launched into orbit, which is equipped with optical-electronic equipment "Geoton-L1


Geoton-L1 is capable of taking pictures in the black and white range with a resolution of about one meter. Information on the properties of the earth's surface is obtained due to observation in various spectral ranges.

"Geoton-L1" helps to draw up maps of the area as accurately as possible, as well as provides operational control of the environmental state and monitoring of emergencies, - said the head of "Shvabe" Vadim Kalyugin.

In addition to the Geoton-L1 optical-electronic system, the Resource-P satellite received GSA hyperspectral equipment, also developed by KMZ specialists. This system serves to capture the Earth's surface in at least 120 narrow spectral bands. Thanks to the results of the survey, specialists can perform spectral analysis of the atmosphere, forests, crops, soil, geological formations, as well as determine the humidity and composition of the soil, diseases of crops, the level of pollution of water bodies and much more.[1]
