Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Graitec Advance Workshop

Developers: Graitec
Branches: Real estate,  Construction and industry of construction materials
Technology: BIM - Information modeling of buildings and constructions,  MES is Management of productions and repairs,  WMS


Graitec Advance Workshop is an information system (MIS) of production management of metalwork which provides integration of all stages of a production cycle — from order value assessment before shipment of finished goods. The solution is suitable for manufacturing enterprises with any level of automation — from manual work before completely automated production.

Among important features of Graitec Advance Workshop there is flexible configuration on entrance files from the different systems of design, including Tekla Structures.

In the whole Advance Workshop allows to adjust management of warehouse stocks, the movement of parts, human resources, CNC machines and some other processes and thanks to it to achieve reduction of runtime of the order, cost minimization, performance improvement of the enterprise in general and control over production.

A system is closely integrated with BIM models and interacts with all departments of the enterprise, forming a uniform information and technology chain of production of metalwork.

Key features

Management of initial data

  • Support of different formats (CAM PCS, DXF, CSV, XLS BOM, DTSV, NC, NC1...)
  • Import of data from any BIM/ CAD- systems, such as Autodesk Advance Steel, Bentley ProSteel3D, Tekla Structures, Aveva BOCAD, StruCAD, SDS/2, etc. and also import of NC, BOM or Excel data or even direct link with ERP- a system
  • The manager of documents for control and traffic control of documentation
  • Viewing and editing parts and assemblies using built-in 2D - and 3D - editors
  • Automatic verification of production data
  • Subcontractings and outsourcing: automatic adjustment of filtering of works for sending for subcontracting

Advance Workshop Management of initial data

Production planning

  • Automatic distribution of technology transactions
  • Layout and cutting of metal rolling. Automatic optimization of cutting with a possibility of manual adjustment

Advance Workshop: Automatic distribution of technology transactions

Production management

  • Timely delivery of procurement to section
  • Automatic detection of the technology transactions necessary for production of parts and dispatch brand, and determination of a route of the movement on production sites
  • Managing programs for CNC machines
  • Management of welding works
  • Feedback from machines or via terminals about readiness of parts
  • Optimization of production thanks to the analysis of production processes, operation of the equipment, time and costs
  • Centralized operation by the project on each production stage and release of operational cards for any transaction, including cutting, drilling, a punched hole, welding, painting and loading on vehicles according to requirements

Advance Workshop: Managing programs for CNC machines

Management of a warehouse

  • Management of warehouse stocks
  • Order management on purchase
  • Creation of reports and stock sheets
  • Management of certificates
  • Supply management. Ample opportunities of integration with ERP systems

Advance Workshop: Order of metal and warehouse

Production control

  • Assessment of load of sections and equipment
  • Production process optimization: management of the course of accomplishment of orders and production processes at the level of a project / phase of construction / section of production or even at the level of a part
  • Tracking of the status of production
  • Formation of production sheets and reports

Advance Workshop: Full control of production processes

Shipment of finished goods

  • Barcoding
  • Formation of the sheet of shipment
  • Control of the movement of products to a finished goods warehouse
  • Integration with ERP

Advance Workshop: Tracking of the status of production