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HP Information Optimization Solutions

Developers: Hewlett-Packard (HP)
Date of the premiere of the system: November, 2010
Last Release Date: October, 2012

Application of a complex of HP of Information Optimization allows to provide effective management of information, compliance to regulating documents and extraction from the competitive advantages given the maximum advantage for the purpose of achievement. Thanks to HP solutions of Information Optimization information is taken under control and becomes a source of valuable data.

Giving opportunities for conversion of processes of collecting, storage and use of information, HP helps the organizations to become the enterprises of instant readiness (HP Instant-On Enterprise). Now it is possible to use all potential of accumulated information, to provide its integrity and protection and to obtain only data necessary for the specific enterprise.

These solutions are expected optimization of data in terms of a status of infrastructure, information management and increase in value of the business ideas.

HP Information Infrastructure

New solutions are integrated by all sources of content by means of control functions, portals, ad hoc methods of processing and support of joint work.

  • The packet of Document Processing Services is intended for the global companies with intensive document flow. It is a comprehensive set of services of management of documents including scanning, drawing up, archiving, the organization of storage and printing in typographical volumes.
  • Content Management Services provide to large enterprises management of all types of unstructured data and support of processes of work with content, allowing to raise profit and an income per share.
  • Portals and Collaboration Services will help to bring the strategy of the enterprise for knowledge management into accord with requirements of business or government institutions to provide uniformity of shared access to information on all chain of transactions. Within the corresponding projects the interconnected working spaces with the intuitive interface which will support display of the network status can be created and to promote highly productive team work.

Using HP solutions of Information Infrastructure customers will be able to achieve the following results:

  • to cut down infrastructure expenses by means of consolidation and use of the centralized data warehouse for 25-45%;
  • to reduce the risks connected with ensuring compliance to regulations by 30-50% (such as Sarbanes-Oxley, Basel II, etc.);
  • to reduce the period of execution of orders and response time at the expense of online access to information by 45-50% as required.

In the fall of 2012 of HP provided the updated solution package of Information Optimization Solutions designed to help the enterprises to analyze more effectively all array of corporate data and to make more weighed decisions on their basis. New solutions help to turn information into a key business resource, investments into which are capable to pay for itself repeatedly.

"The payback of data assets" is the new term designating all set of the advantages got by the organization thanks to investment into information solutions, services and resources. First of all it is about an opportunity more deeply to analyze data and also to quicker accept the weighed business solutions.

All array of corporate information (so-called Big Data from engl. Big Data) includes structured data which are stored in normal databases, and unstructured data, for example images, video and electronic messages. The intermediate place is taken by the "semi-structured" data generated by sensors and other IT equipment.

According to estimates of experts, by 2015 universal information volume will reach 8 zettabytes. This stunning digit as well as possible characterizes the scale of the tasks connected with data storage and management of them. During the recent research conducted with assistance of HP, about 60% of the polled heads of business said that their organizations do not locate solutions for the full analysis of Big Data. 10% of respondents announced that they work on implementation of unstructured data in corporate assets of analytics, processes and strategy.

New solutions under the Autonomy and Vertica brand, new products as a part of Convergent infrastructure and expert services of HP help business and the organizations of a public sector "master" all volume of business data irrespective of the level of their structuredness.

"In the next years "the payback of data assets" will be, perhaps, the defining indicator of success of work of the organizations — George Kadifa, the executive vice president, HP Software says. — HP will continue to invest in development of the solutions and services helping the organizations to use effectively all information available to them irrespective of its type and origin".

All array of corporate information (Big Data) includes structured data which are stored in normal databases, and unstructured, for example images, video and electronic messages. The intermediate place is taken by the "semi-structured" data generated by sensors and other IT equipment. New solutions under a brand Autonomy and Vertica, new products as a part of Convergent infrastructure and expert services of HP help business and the organizations of a public sector to master all volume of business data, irrespective of the level of their structuredness.

Having expanded a portfolio of HP AppSystems, HP presented new solutions as a part of Convergent infrastructure for Wednesdays Apache Hadoop, HP Vertica Analytics Platform and Autonomy eDiscovery.

The Proactive Care for SAP HP service includes job analysis of applications, planning of capacity and assessment of level of use of system resources that helps to optimize infrastructure of SAP and to accelerate data analysis.

The new Converged Storage HP platform simplifies administration, helps to cut down expenses and accelerates information analysis in the virtualized, cloud infrastructures and the Big Data environments.

HP Vertica Analytics Platform 6.1 represents the platform of analytics of the next generation developed especially for "Big Data". The packet of effective tools of analytics and close integration with the Hadoop cloud environments and Amazon EC2 help to optimize and monetize the Big Data environments.

HP solutions of Telco Big Data and Analytics allow suppliers of communication services (CSP) to turn information arriving from different sources (including responses and wishes of subscribers), into an effective analytical business resource. The Telco Big Data and Analytics HP platform is based on experience of HP in the field of consulting, development of solutions, information management and a business intelligence and also uses analytical software of HP in the field of Big Data, providing effective management and the analysis of the structured and unstructured business data.

The Autonomy Marketing Performance Suite software package on the basis of Autonomy IDOL technology helps marketing specialists to understand better dynamics of the market and change of customer needs. It includes solutions for management of a customer feedback, optimization of marketing and the multichannel market analysis.