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I-LDS Laboratory information management system (LIMS, LIMS)

Developers: IndaSoft
Branches: Metallurgical industry,  Oil industry,  Chemical industry
Technology: Laboratory information systems

Laboratory information management system (LIMS, LIMS) of I-LDS it is intended for control automation, processing and information storage about work of laboratory at the enterprise.

Priorities at implementation of a PIM of I-LDS, the allowing small costs of resources and time to make high-quality automation of laboratory tests, are:

  • registration and identification of the samples coming to laboratory;
  • automation of calculations on the basis of measurement techniques;
  • export of data from a metering equipment
  • about results of tests in I-LDS PIM;
  • processing of results of tests;
  • intra laboratory control;
  • issue of results of tests.

Along with the solution of priorities conditions for further business process automation of laboratory, such as are created:

  • personnel management;
  • control of the equipment;
  • management of reactants, materials and standard samples;
  • accounting of the regulating documentation.

During system implementation development and deepening of functionality of the modules PIMs I-LDS according to special requirements of the Customer is possible.

The PIM of I-LDS has certificates on official registration, is certified in the system of voluntary certification of measuring instruments on compliance to the following regulating documents:

GOST P ISO 5725-6 'Accuracy (correctness and pretsizionnost) of methods and results of measurements'; RMG 76 'State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Internal control of quality of results of quantitative chemical analysis'; GOST P 53798 'Standard guide to the laboratory information management systems (LIMS)'.

In October, 2016 the LIMS I-LDS software products and the Supervisory control system of I-DS developed by IndaSoft company are included in the Unified register of the Russian programs for electronic computers and databases.

The register is created according to Article 12.1 of the Federal law "About Information, Information Technologies and on Data Protection" for the purpose of expansion of use of the Russian programs for electronic computers and databases, confirmation of their origin from the Russian Federation and also for the purpose of rendering to owners programs for electronic computers or databases of measures of the state support. The register contains data on all software which is officially recognized the events from the Russian Federation.

Possibilities of LIMS I-LDS

LIMS I-LDS is source of data on qualitative and quantitative results of tests and characteristics of subjects to control, gives an opportunity in real time to integrate data into the dispatching systems and schedule systems of resources of the enterprise (ERR).

Implementation of LIMS I-LDS allows to improve considerably control of production processes at the enterprise, to see the happening changes literally 'constantly'. Increase in efficiency and reliability of the transferred results of tests by laboratories, a possibility of adoption of timely solutions on the basis of these data promote improvement of product quality and services, decrease in non-productive costs.

The LIMS I-LDS database allows to store the large volume of information for a long time that significantly increases the accuracy and depth of the analytical reports on quality promoting acceptance of optimal management decisions. A common information space improves the production atmosphere, provides effective interaction of staff of the enterprise, including, at the expense of an exception of duplication of functions by different specialists.

Ample opportunities of LIMS I-LDS on data integration with external systems allow to provide information on quality to all interested specialists. For example, provides quality data of raw materials and finished goods for the technologist of a PIM. Operational obtaining this information together with data on technology process allows to increase efficiency of technology process. For the economist providing data on composition of raw materials and finished goods allows to calculate and approve more precisely daily material balances on components.

The built-in system of the reporting of I-LDS allows to save reports in formats: DOC, XLS, TXT, HTML, POP, other standard graphic formats.

LIMS I-LDS allows to automate all stages of production control of products – from intake of raw materials before receiving products:

  • incoming inspection;
  • operational, production, technology control;
  • quality control of products.

As a result defects do not need to be eliminated at the exit, and the possibility of its emergence is completely excluded. For this purpose it is necessary to minimize a human factor and to formalize quality control processes, having in detail described technology of implementation of each process. For increase in efficiency of ecological activity in LIMS I-LDS the following stages of control are automated:

  • environmental control;
  • control of physical factors;
  • control of physiological factors.

Execution of all stages of control in LIMS I-LDS allows:

  • to influence timely technology processes on the basis of operational and reliable information about quality of the arriving raw materials, materials and products;
  • make information on quality of more transparent for further use at acceptance of management decisions;
  • optimize management of internal resources of laboratory, control of their use;
  • reduce risks of negative ecological impacts on the environment and the related possible losses, including ecological payments and penalties.

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