Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Center of accounting technologies: Laboratory Information System (LIS)

The name of the base system (platform): 1C:Enterprise 8.3
Developers: Center of accounting technologies
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Technology: Laboratory information systems

The "Laboratory Information System (LIS)" program of edition 1 serves for automation of primary activity of chemical laboratories and laboratories of quality. Such information systems also call a PIM or LIMS.

The program is not intended for conducting standard accounting and also for embedding in other accounting programs.

Features and program capabilities:

  • registration of trial consignments (samples) of products, raw materials or goods coming to laboratory;
  • calculations of results of tests on the basis of the used methods of laboratory tests;
  • processing and interpretation of results of tests;
  • registration and issue of results of tests (quality certificates, test sheets, certificates of suitability, etc.).
  • intra laboratory control of the accuracy (pretsizionnost) of measurements;
  • accounting of reactants, materials, standard solutions (credits) and samples;
  • accounting and management of a laboratory metering equipment;
  • accounting of the rendered services for third parties;
  • storage of all necessary regulating documentation.

Use of the program allows to reduce seriously influence of a so-called "human factor" at registration of tests and registration of results of tests, to lower load of personnel of laboratory and also to pass to completely electronic document management. All this also gives the chance of hands-off processing of results of tests and formation of various reports, for example:

  • analysis of results of tests;
  • statistics on results of tests;
  • statistics on the number of tests.

The "Laboratory Information System (LIS), Edition 1" configuration is not independent, it is necessary to have the set 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform for its work.

The configuration is completely open for change.

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