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I-Teco: DES.ISS Digital Enterprise Solution. Industrial Safety System

Developers: Ai Teco (iTeco)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2021/09/09
Technology: MES - Production and Repair Management,  Time & Attendance

Main article: MES-systems - functions and advantages

2021: Inclusion in the Unified Register of Domestic Software

On September 9, 2021, I-Teco announced that it had successfully completed inspections of three IT products for the digital enterprise included in the DES (Digital Enterprise Solution) line in the Expert Council of the Ministry of Communications of Russia, according to the results of which they were included in the Unified Register of Domestic Software. These decisions also have state registration of computer programs with the Federal Intellectual Property Service (Rospatent).

The DES line includes: a management solution, production DES.MES a solution for electronic approval of work permits for DES.ISS high-risk operations, a solution for control. laboratory information DES.LIMS They are designed to respond to the growing market demand domestic for enterprise technology products industrial.

DES.ISS (Digital Enterprise Solution. Industrial Safety System) is designed for electronic approval of work permits for high-risk operations in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation. The use of DES.ISS will allow enterprises to identify and prevent violations in a timely manner based on monitoring of ongoing work on all orders, more effectively ensure the safety of work, reduce costs and time for approval thanks to an electronic format. Read more here