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I-Teco: DES.MES Digital Enterprise Solution. Manufacturing Execution System

Developers: Ai Teco (iTeco)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2021/09/09
Technology: MES - Manufacturing and Repair Management

Main article: MES-systems - functions and advantages

2021: Inclusion in the Unified Register of Domestic Software

On September 9, 2021, I-Teco announced that it had successfully completed inspections of three IT products for the digital enterprise included in the DES (Digital Enterprise Solution) line in the Expert Council of the Ministry of Communications of Russia, according to the results of which they were included in the Unified Register of Domestic Software. These decisions also have state registration of computer programs with the Federal Intellectual Property Service (Rospatent).


The DES line includes: production a DES management solution., MES a solution for electronic approval of work permits for high-risk operations, a DES.ISS solution for control. laboratory information DES.LIMS They are designed to respond to the growing market demand domestic for enterprise technology products industrial.

{{quote 'author
= says Director for Business Development of Aiteko Group of Companies Alexander Vladimirovich Palashevsky.|"The result of the system work of I-Teco experts was the creation of a line of own products for solving the problems of quality control, production management, industrial safety and ecology. They can be introduced at chemical, petrochemicals, metallurgists, energy and mining complexes to simplify the digital transformation of the enterprise and the transition to Industry 4.0, "-}}

DES.MES (Digital Enterprise Solution. Manufacturing Execution System) automates continuous manufacturing management processes. The DES.MES system is based on the creation of a digital double of the production process. This approach ensures transparency and high manageability and, as a result, helps to achieve a high economic effect from production activities. The implementation of DES.MES will reduce equipment downtime, optimize the use of capacities and reserves of raw materials, determine the optimal composition of measuring equipment and reduce its costs, reduce labor intensity and the influence of subjective factors in production management.

I-Teco consultants implement a full cycle of projects on custom development, implementation and maintenance of business quality management applications based on DES.MES, DES.ISS and DES.LIMS solutions.

Inclusion in the Unified Register of the Ministry of Communications confirms the domestic origin of DES line decisions, and in the future they can be introduced in state organizations.