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INPAS PAX-Series Online Cash Registers (Smart Terminals)

Developers: INPAS Company (INPAS)
Last Release Date: 2023/11/03
Branches: Trade
Technology: Trade Automation Systems

2023: Integration with "Evotor. Cash "

Cash program cloudy and services Evotor can now be installed on devices from other manufacturers. The first integrations of "" Evotor.Kassa are implemented with PAX smart terminals A930 () Inpas and (). PAYMOB-F A90 Mirbeznala This was announced on November 3, 2023 by representatives of the Evotor company. More. here

PAX A930 is a multifunctional cash desk that accepts all types of payments and is equipped with a built-in bank terminal, printer and two QR and barcode scanners. Suitable for couriers, delivery services, transport companies, traveling trade - all companies where mobility is important in customer service.