Developers: | Information technologies, Corporation (Ukraine) |
Date of the premiere of the system: | October, 1987 |
Last Release Date: | October, 2012 |
Technology: | ERP |
Content |
"IT Enterprise" is the main distinctive feature of the ninth version final transition of a system to three-level architecture and failure from further parallel support of classical two-level "client-server". Support of new versions of DBMS - the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Oracle Database 10g became a major step.
For effective management on industrial enterprises the Information technologies corporation proposes the solution tested by time and practice - improvement of an enterprise management system using ERP system implementation the IT Enterprise.
According to classification of APICS (American Production and Inventory Control Society) a system the IT Enterprise completely conforms to the MRPII, MES standards and the concept of ERP.
The concept of MRPII (Manufacturing Resource Planning) is the methodology of detailed production planning of the enterprise including accounting of orders, planning of utilization of capacity, requirements planning in all resources of production (materials, raw materials, component parts, the equipment, personnel), planning of production costs, modeling of course of production, its accounting, planning of finished product output, operational correcting of the plan and works orders.
The concept of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is development of MRPII. It allows to trace not only production, but also all other resources of the enterprise (financial, sales, etc.) A system the IT Enterprise accumulates long-term experience of successful implementations at the enterprises of different industries.
Functional structure of a system
ERP-cistema the IT Enterprise covers all parties of productive, financial and business activities of the enterprise and consists of a set of modules, each of which automates certain tasks.
Conditionally all modules are grouped in the following guidance loops:
- Production management;
- Logistics;
- Budgeting and controlling;
- Personnel management;
- Analysis and optimization of activity;
- Accounting and tax accounting;
- Document management;
- Administration of a system;
- Work benches of development of a system.
- Each guidance loop consists of several modules. It is allowed as the functioning of modules isolated from each other, and their combinations necessary for the specific enterprise.
Such component architecture has the following advantages:
- Possibility of step-by-step system implementation and fast receiving return from investments;
- An opportunity for the enterprise to buy only modules necessary for it and not to pay for excess functionality;
- Possibility of accumulation of functionality of a system further in process of change of requirements of the enterprise.
A system the IT Enterprise provides multi-layer system of access control and security.
In comparison with other system providers of management for industrial enterprises the Information technologies corporation has indisputable competitive advantages among which:
- A system the IT Enterprise – only domestic ERP, MRP II MES, APS – the system focused on complex automation of industrial enterprises;
- A system the IT Enterprise has complete complex implementation projects on industrial enterprises of mechanical engineering, instrument making, shipbuilding, metallurgy, the chemical, food, cable and mining industry, including implementation of guidance loops production, logistics, controlling, budgeting etc.;
- A system the IT Enterprise is focused on automation of industrial enterprises of Ukraine and Russia;
- Work directly with the system developer allows to consider quickly specific features of the enterprise, to execute development of individual modules for the order;
- The open architecture of creation of a system the IT Enterprise providing a possibility of maintenance of a system with forces of department of an ACS of the enterprise.
Additional information:
- A system the IT Enterprise is optimized for work with large volumes of information and a large number of users. In a system there are no restrictions for dimension of information bases and there are successful projects with parameters: the number of users of a system – more than 2000 within one enterprise, qualifiers of resources – more 1000000.strok, structures of the products – about 170,000 entering dimensions of the plan – more than 3,000,000 lines, the range of finished goods – more than 15,000 positions, etc.
- A system the IT Enterprise is optimized for work in geographically distributed structures. A system the IT Enterprise ensures functioning of users with a system from any place in the world on low-speed communication channels (Internet) with enciphering and compression of traffic and ensuring protection against unauthorized access.
- A system the IT Enterprise is optimized for work in holding structures. In a system there are no restrictions for the number of the enterprises of holding working in uniform information base. A system the IT Enterprise provides functions of corporate planning, supply chain management, budgeting, the consolidated statements (taking into account elimination of the internal turnovers), corporate document flow, creation of corporate qualifiers, etc.
"Cloud" version of the ERP system IT Enterprise
Many enterprises of different industries even more often use "cloud" models of IT solutions. Also the area of solutions for enterprise management did not become an exception. According to specialists, the concept of "cloud computing" will become an integral part of solutions of the class ERP in the nearest future.
As the partner of Information technologies corporation the De Novo company - provider of "cloud" services of Ukraine acted. In the cloud data-center of De Novo company the copy of an industrial corporate system of enterprise management was unrolled. Specialists of both companies performed placement, start and test operation of the ERP system of IT Enterprise version 9.11 in the Infrastructure as a Service model (IaaS).
Results of testing showed that this option of placement of a corporate system of management IT Enterprise is not only operable and reliable, but also purchases several advantages before a traditional IT landscape.
Use of "cloud" services removes from the Customer of care of placement and maintenance in working order of a server component of a corporate system of management IT Enterprise and also brings some other advantages to the Customer. In particular:
- there is no need for initial capital investments;
- costs for maintenance of a corporate system of management, administration, compensation of service staff and also the neighboring risks connected with a human factor decrease. As a result total cost of ownership the license decreases;
- high level of reliability and availability of services. Protection against machine failures, reservation of the server hardware, storage systems and channels of internal and external communication are performed only by provider of service;
- scalability (adding of capacities in need of any the moment - the power of the platform can easily vary depending on load of a system).
In other words, the customer has an opportunity to significantly reduce the project budget due to lack of need to invest means in creation of hardware infrastructure under ERP system installation IT Enterprise (CAPEX - a capital expenditure) and its further service (OPEX – operating expenses).
IT-Enterprise "Microsoft Windows 8 Compatible"
The enterprise management system IT Enterprise прошла in the fall of 2012 the procedure of certification on compatibility with the new version of Microsoft Windows 8 OS. The Information technologies corporation, the leader in the field of reengineering and automation of industrial enterprises, for many years is a certified partner of Microsoft multinational corporation. For users of a system IT Enterprise (industrial enterprises, holdings and the plants) successful certification on compatibility with Windows 8 OS is the next confirmation of quality and reliability of solutions which are provided by Information technologies corporation. At the moment, a system IT Enterprise включена in the list of Microsoft of compatible applications and can be posted on the website of Windows Shop.