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KRET RelaxMag

Developers: Radioelectronic Technologies (KRET)
Date of the premiere of the system: December 2021
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, medicine, healthcare



2021: Announcement of a chair for the treatment of heart disease "RelaxMag" - an updated version of "Multimag"

In December 2021, the Kasimovsky Instrument Plant, part of the Radioelectronic Technologies Concern (KRET), introduced the RelaxMag magnetotherapeutic chair. This is an updated version of the Multimag complex, which is already used in medical practice.

According to the manufacturer, from the previous model, "RelaxMag" is distinguished by an updated design and improved ergonomics. The healthy effect of the device is based on the method of magnetotherapy - dosed exposure to the human body with weak frequency-modulated magnetic fields. Thanks to such therapy, functional reserves of the body are restored, metabolic processes are normalized, microcirculation is improved, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, stimulating effect is provided.

KRET introduced magnetotherapeutic for the treatment of heart disease

The work of "RelaxMaga" is based on the method of dosing the human body with weak magnetic fields. The main working element of the seat is a 4D cell module.

According to the developers, the range of diseases in which magnetotherapy is recommended includes hypertension, ischemia, atherosclerosis, fractures, bruises. The Relaxmag chair can also be used for rehabilitation after coronavirus COVID-19.

The device is planned to be used for rehabilitation, physiotherapy, as well as in sports medicine for the quick recovery of athletes.

The press service of Rostec said that Relaxmag has no analogues and is highly effective. Registration of new products in Roszdravnadzor is scheduled for 2022.

The developers managed not only to expand the functionality of the product and improve its design, but also to significantly reduce the cost. Today, we can confidently talk about the predicted high demand for RelaxMag, "said Alexander Pan, General Director of KRET JSC.[1]
