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LanCloud: Cloud Exchange

The name of the base system (platform): Microsoft Exchange Server
Developers: LanCloud (Lanklaud)
Last Release Date: 2018/01/09
Technology: SaaS - Software as service,  Office applications,  Mail server

Cloud Exchange is service of e-mail, with local placement of personal data in the territory of Russia according to Federal Law 242. It is provided according to the SaaS model.

As a part of service the latest version of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 works.

Screenshot of a window of a servvis, (2017)

The provider provides:

  • mailbox with a capacity of 50 GB
  • protection against spam and viruses
  • incoming mail is checked several an antispam by filters and several anti-virus cores.
  • recovery of remote letters — 30 days
  • smartphones and tablets are supported: iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone and RT.
  • mail, the calendar, contacts and tasks will be synchronized between the computer, the tablet, the notebook and phone
  • the caching mode in Outlook and the web browser allow to read old mail and to write new in the absence of network. At connection data are synchronized automatically.
  • mail investments of Word, Excel, PowerPoint can be browsed in the browser even if on the computer MS Office is not set.

2018: Increase in volume of mailboxes up to 100 GB

The LanCloud company announced on January 9, 2018 that now service of e-mail by default provides mailboxes of 100GB on each user for Cloud Exchange business.

LanCloud since 2013 provided the Microsoft Exchange mailboxes with an amount of 50 GB that covered requirements of 99% of clients, but recently more and more customers began to go beyond the set amount that began to lead to additional costs on payment of amount over the set quota.

We decided to go to a meeting to our clients and since January, 2018 increased the amount of the Cloud Exchange mailboxes to 100 GB. The price remained at the previous level — from 190.4 rub/month. At the same time we saved the same level of reliability and security of a mail service, namely: 3-fold duplication of each mailbox on 3 different physical storage systems, 30-day storage of all remote letters and boxes and also antivirus protection of Kaspersky remained — Sergej Erin, the director of business development of LanCloud commented.

At the end of 2017 LanCloud bought storage systems of ultrahigh density of placement of information. Each storage system contains 60 disk storage modules NL-SAS of 12TB with vertical installation, borrowing at the same time only 4U. Thus, the company received about 0.7 petabytes on each 4U server are resistant (to 7 PB on a rack). Earlier for obtaining such amount it was necessary to occupy the whole server rack (or it is even a little resistant). Implementation of data of DWH considerably reduced cost value of service, having allowed to increase twice the amount of boxes, having saved the price of Exchange service at the previous level, explained in LanCloud.

Everyone can test free of charge within 30 days a cloud service of e-mail Cloud Exchange with boxes 100GB.

2017: Cloud Exchange — under protection of an antivirus of Kaspersky Lab

On July 28 the LanCloud company announced protection of the SaaS service of e-mail Cloud Exchange by means of an antivirus of production of Kaspersky Lab.

As you know, e-mail is not only the most important instrument of business, but also one of the main sources of threats of information security. By e-mail viruses most often get to corporate network of the company. Often there is enough penetration of only one virus on one computer to destroy all corporate information. For this reason it is important to protect all possible channels of penetration of threats into corporate network, emphasized in LanCloud.

Reliability of our cloud services and security of customer information is for us a key priority. The Cloud Exchange service was always protected by two anti-virus modules: one built-in Antimalware of Microsoft company, the second Open Source antivirus of ClamAV of Cisco company. But taking into account the permanent growth of level of threats we understood that it is not enough and that our service requires the first-class antivirus protection of the corporate level. We long enough conducted negotiations with different developers of anti-virus products and as a result stopped the choice on Kaspersky's Antivirus" — Sergej Erin, the director of business development of LanCloud commented

As Kaspersky's Antivirus is domestic development, it often reacts to the specific threats relevant for the Russian customers much quicker, noted in LanCloud.

After implementation of the Antivirus of Kaspersky we collected statistics and carried out efficiency analysis of its work in comparison with two already available anti-virus solutions. As a result found out that Kaspersky's Antivirus daily blocks on average in 40-50 virus threats which were not blocked by two other anti-virus modules. That, on the one hand, not so there is a lot of, in the general flow in several million letters, on the other hand, as practice shows, and one passed virus can put in an effect out of action all corporate network — Sergey added