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Developers: Simulation and Digital Twins (MCD) (formerly CADFEM CIS, CADFEM Si-I-Es), CADFEM Digital, CADFEM Digital (formerly Digital Transformation Factory, FCT)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2021/11/12
Last Release Date: 2023/10/11
Technology: EAM,  Internet of Things Internet of Things (IoT)


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ServiceVizor Analyst Configuration View

Specialists of the company "Modeling and Digital Twins" (JSC "MCD") on October 11, 2023 presented ServiceVizor Analyst - an updated configuration of the ServiceVizor solution, a platform for digitalization of service maintenance of production equipment and interactive assistance to field personnel. ServiceVizor Analyst is designed to assess, monitor and predict the technical condition of production equipment, its main units and units based on expert mathematical models. With its help, enterprises will be able to more effectively choose the strategy and type of equipment repair, taking into account its criticality, as well as minimize resource costs.

As of October 2023, there are a number of problems in the maintenance of equipment. Firstly, this is a lack of information about the current state and operating conditions of the equipment, preventing the adoption of operational decisions on risk assessment and effective asset management. Secondly, many enterprises use an outdated approach to scheduled preventive repairs, which does not save resources and leads to excessive maintenance and repair costs. In addition, efficiency is influenced by factors such as the reduction of qualified personnel, economic sanctions and difficulties in servicing imported equipment, as well as the lack of a single approach to assessing depreciation at the enterprise and a single knowledge base.

To solve these problems, ServiceVizor Analyst uses Cat (Health Assessment Factor). It receives wear and defect data from ServiceVizor subsystems. Among them are inspection data, instrumental control and other indicators that allow you to assess the need for repairs and resource costs. Further, the system determines the wear for process chains, allowing to predict bottlenecks, and recommends optimal repair strategies, taking into account the impact of various maintenance and repair scenarios on the technical condition of the equipment.

Kots calculation takes place in case of any change in conditions or intensity of equipment operation, as well as in case of defects on specific units. As a target criterion, the module selects a minimum cost or duration of work with maximum reliability of the production complex. The availability of constant information on the scope of work and specific defects of the units together with the performance assessment makes it possible to determine the estimated cost and timing of repair work. This makes it possible to adjust maintenance plans in a timely manner, reducing the cost of maintaining the fleet as a whole.

Image:Значения котс.png

ServiceVizor Analyst provides enterprises with the following capabilities:

  • Equipment classifier, which defines the data set and formulas for calculating the technical condition factor Cat. It also allows you to quickly group equipment for viewing totals or calculation.
  • Continuously collect heterogeneous data and equipment health parameters. This takes into account not only the presence or elimination of defects at specific equipment units, but also a change in the conditions and intensity of equipment operation;
  • Categorization of the equipment by the amount of resources required to restore the equipment in terms of: current repair, medium repair, overhaul or other user-defined;
  • Estimate estimated costs for equipment repair, including generation of a report with calculation of the total M&R cost.

Inclusion in the register of domestic software

The register of domestic software included ServiceVizor - a system for automating business processes of service services based on augmented reality (AR) and interactive service instructions developed by Modeling and Digital Twins JSC (MCD JSC). This will allow Russian companies to organize effective management of maintenance and repair (MRO) processes using a solution that officially meets the requirements for Russian software products. The developer announced this on September 6, 2023.

ServiceVizor is a completely import-independent solution that works with domestic operating systems and mobile devices, as well as meets information security requirements. The system uses advanced technologies and know-how developed by Modeling and Digital Twins.

The inclusion of ServiceVizor in the register of domestic software opens up the possibility of using the system for our customers. Our customers can be sure that there are no vulnerabilities in it and their data is reliably protected. The software product is now provided without VAT. Thus, ServiceVizor will help optimize production processes at Russian enterprises, including those critical for the Russian industry, "said Andrei Krylov, director of the digital technology center of MCD JSC.

ServiceVizor 2.0

On July 3, 2023, Modeling and Digital Twins (MCD JSC) presented an updated version of SeviceVizor, a platform for digitalizing data on production equipment service and interactive assistance to field personnel. Users will have access to updated functionality that will optimize the effectiveness of equipment control at the enterprise.

ServiceVizor 2.0

According to the company, ServiceVizor 2.0 is a completely import-independent solution that works with domestic operating systems and mobile devices, as well as meets information security requirements. It is a system for automating augmented reality (AR) service business processes and interactive service instructions. ServiceVizor 2.0 provides enterprises with:

  • A unified database of process charts and work instructions in AR mode, as well as a methodology for digitizing data on production equipment and its maintenance;
  • The possibility of planning, monitoring and checking the performed rounds of repair and service operations;
  • Interactive maintenance of all types of work with production equipment, including the possibility of a session with a remote expert in case of emergency.
  • The ability to assess the technical condition of the equipment and continuously monitor the dynamics of its change for timely planning of maintenance and repairs.

For July 2023, ServiceVizor is used in the oil and gas, chemical and aerospace industries. Enterprises of the energy complex, mining industry, engineering complex and instrumentation can also use ServiceVizor as a knowledge base for servicing production assets.

One of the capabilities of ServiceVizor 2.0 is the ability to reduce unplanned equipment outages. According to experts, losses from them range from 3 to 5% of turnover and from 30 to 40% of profit. ServiceVizor 2.0 offers a systematic approach to solving this problem. The system continuously analyzes the signals of the measuring equipment and, when an anomaly is detected, generates a task for the operational service to perform rounds, shows the technician interactive information about the current parameters of the equipment and the maintenance procedure. This allows you to reduce sudden breakdowns by 30-40%.

ServiceVizor provides digitization of asset data so that people in production receive user-friendly interactive information. In particular, this allows you to use the system to train or test the knowledge of engineers. For example, before performing critical work on equipment, the service manager can send a test task to the engineer. It will contain interactive guides that work in familiarization mode, allowing the engineer to first learn how to maintain and perform repair and restoration work. The test task contains a number of inconsistencies that the engineer must work correctly. Its actions are carefully recorded, including using timing and photo recording. The test results allow the manager to decide whether to allow the engineer to do so. Next, the engineer goes to the real object and work with the equipment. The system will keep records of the actual actions of the maintenance and repair engineer.

ServiceVizor 2.0 also helps prevent product assembly violations. The system in AR mode sequentially shows the locations of test points on the physical product, information about the current check stage and prompts. It also monitors the correct arrangement and attachment of parts on the assembled product and forms an electronic document with the results, duration and photo of the results of operations. Other features of the updated version include a remote expert mode, which allows you to remotely connect a group of engineers who have expertise in the field of maintenance, diagnostics and repair work of complex technical equipment. They can advise the technician directly in front of the equipment in real time. In addition, 3D markers have appeared in this version, allowing you to make notes during the walk. On the next tour, staff will be able to see what changes were made the previous time.

ServiceVizor 2.0 is presented in two configurations:

  • ServiceVizor Operator, which is a basic configuration with the functions of monitoring equipment in Web mode and managing regulatory reference information;
  • ServiceVizor Assistant, which contains basic MRO planning functions and allows you to develop IETR (Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals), perform service operations in Web and AR mode, as well as communicate with a remote expert.

The developers of MCD JSC continue to develop ServiceVizor and are working on the release of additional product configurations. The ServiceVizor 2.0 mobile application is available on smartphones, tablets (including shock-resistant, explosion-proof design) and augmented reality glasses.

2022: Ability to add hardware to ServiceVizor yourself with full visualization

On November 28, 2022, experts from Modeling and Digital Twins (MCD JSC) announced the release of the next version of ServiceVizor, a domestic solution for automating augmented reality (AR) service business processes. Users will have access to functions and capabilities that will allow them to more efficiently perform maintenance and repair (MRO) of equipment.

ServiceVizor is designed to help technical personnel, create a digital knowledge base on MR, register defects and accidents, as well as analyze the criticality of the consequences of failures on the digital technological model. The solution is a set of functional IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) and AR-applications that provide equipment monitoring based on models of a comprehensive digital twin. ServiceVizor supports a large set of functions - from basic capabilities for generating work requests and planning all types of services to specialized functions for performing maintenance and repair operations in AR mode, managing the electronic structure of an asset, developing 2D/3D content and integrating with related production systems.

Scaling the system for all production, the ability to independently develop functional applications and MRO content

As of November 28, 2022, the solution is already being introduced by enterprises in the oil and gas and chemical industries.

This version will allow you to add new equipment to ServiceVizor yourself with full visualization. If earlier this required the involvement of a team of experts from the Modeling and Digital Twins company, now users can make at their discretion:

  • Mnemonic diagrams with full indication - the user can independently adjust them in the 2D figure and tie the elements of the mnemonic diagram to the APCS tags;
  • Any number and types of tags - signals received from instrumentation from equipment. The user can customize tag control based on his needs. For example, if the ServiceVizor system is available, the APCS head can independently enter a tag for the vibration monitoring sensor into it and create a rule for it, according to which notifications will be received at any minimum signal change;
  • Instructions in augmented reality.

In this version, it became possible to customize the hierarchy - an object model from three levels: group, subgroup and unit. This allows you to keep records of a large number of equipment in the enterprise and create a clear structure, thanks to which you can instantly get the desired one. information The groups show the general condition of the equipment that is included in them. This simplifies the search for accidents and reduces the time to eliminate them.

Enterprise managers can now set up and receive reports according to the required parameters - for example, the number of accidents for each equipment separately or the total number of accidents per unit of time. A Gant chart has also become available, allowing the graph to track the work of engineers for all assets at the site.

For engineers, additional visualization has been added to the system that highlights events that the user has not yet familiarized with. This provides an opportunity to draw attention to new events/accidents on the equipment and quickly fix the problem. Navigation was also improved - the Bread Crumbs menu appeared in it, which will allow you to track where a person is in the system as a whole.

2021: ServiceVizor Announcement

On November 12, 2021, specialists from CADFEM Digital, CADFEM Si-I-Es JSC presented ServiceVizor, a next-generation solution for automating business service processes.

Monitoring and analysis of key equipment performance indicators

As reported, ServiceVizor belongs to EAMMR the class/-systems () Enterprise Asset Management and is suitable for any type of production organization. It allows you to plan and perform maintenance based on objective, data as well as from the information maintenance and repair engineering knowledge base. The solution is a set of functional () IIoT and - Industrial Internet of Things AR applications () providing Augmented Reality monitoring of equipment based on integrated models. digital twin ServiceVizor provides tools for creating digital manuals - IETR (Interactive Electronic Technical Manual) for performing service and control operations, automates the release of shift tasks to field personnel with IETR-based content, and also provides assistance to a remote expert when performing work.

Developed with an industrial Internet of Things PTC ThingWorx and platform platform, ServiceVizor ServiceVizor augmented reality PTC Vuforia supports a wide range of functions - from basic job requisition and planning capabilities for all types of services to specialized functions for performing AR M&R operations, managing the electronic structure of an asset, developing 2D/3D content and integrating with related production systems.

Image:Ехнологическая карта ремонта в дополненной реальности (AR).jpg
Augmented reality Repair Process Flow Chart (AR)

An industrial enterprise using technological equipment as the main means of production, the system allows:

  • Determine the current status of the asset. This makes it possible to reduce the number of unscheduled repairs and downtime by timely planning work on diagnostics and maintenance. The unified knowledge base and asset statistics in ServiceVizor allows the MRO service to monitor the work, having an operational picture of the state of the equipment.
  • optimize the reliability of control rounds and the quality of service work. ServiceVizor provides a bypass plan, checklists, photo reports and instrument readings in AR mode. The crawler can determine the inspection sites, as well as record the results of inspections and repairs. They are stored in the system and are available for inspection and investigation of incidents.
  • create a base of engineering knowledge on maintenance of each equipment, including auxiliary directories of consumed resources during operations. ServiceVizor allows you to store maintenance and repair history.
  • provide remote expert assistance in complex and emergency situations, as well as interactive interaction with the MRO service thanks to online sessions in AR mode.
  • link the data of adjacent accounting and process systems and send information on the results of the completed M&R work for accounting. ServiceVizor uses ThingWorx Flow technologies to integrate with,,,,, class systems. ERP MES PLM MDM EAM

The industrial enterprise manufacturing process equipment system allows:

  • Automate lifecycle management and maintenance of your products.
  • record and investigate incidents that occurred with the product during its operation, as well as prevent their occurrence. ServiceVizor uses complex digital twin technologies and can be integrated into enterprise FMEA processes (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis).
  • develop operational IETRs for the Customer and provide remote assistance to specialists of the plant maintenance and repair service for prompt and qualified resolution of issues.

Thus, industrial enterprises will receive a tool that can be effectively integrated into the existing IT/OT loop and scaled to all equipment.

ServiceVizor is presented in several configurations:

  • ServiceVizor base for monitoring production assets in WEB, AR mode and managing regulatory reference information, including master data.
  • ServiceVizor operate to develop IETP and perform service operations in WEB, AR, time and resource accounting, as well as basic MRO planning functions.
  • ServiceVizor predict for real state MRO planning based on numerical, diagnostic and analytical models of complex digital asset twins.

Access to ServiceVizor from mobile devices ServiceVizor works through the Vuforia View mobile application, available on smartphones with Android and iOS operating systems. With its help, technical personnel can view the shift task assigned to him with a description of operations, resources and interactive 2D/3D content in AR mode, use them during the work and record the completed steps. The report is generated automatically.

The mobile version runs on specialized tablets and supports the use of industrial 2D and 3D augmented and mixed reality (MR) glasses. ServiceVizor provides interactive markup of space and equipment, as well as online sessions with marking of nodes and components of equipment in AR mode. Notes taken during a communication session on a mobile device are stored in the database and can be viewed in WEB applications.

ServiceVizor is aimed at creating an engineering knowledge base for all production assets and autonomous operation of line personnel. In addition, the system will allow you to rebuild the business processes of the enterprise and start working on objective data directly from the equipment, perform asset maintenance operations based on data from the digital layout of the asset and its digital counterpart, as well as use the classic functionality of a typical MRO system for planning all types of repair and restoration and service work.

told Oleg Makovelsky, Technical Director for IoT and AR, CADFEM Si-iEs JSC