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MTUSI: Spatial Channel Compaction Technology

Developers: Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUSI)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2022/06/29
Branches: Telecommunications and Communications


The main articles are:


Application of multi-center fiber in quantum coupling

MTUSI employees have found use for multi-heart fiber in quantum communication. MTUSI announced this on July 13, 2022.

Trends in the increase in the speed and volume of information transmitted in fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) have led to the need to use frequency and spatial channel multiplexing technologies. The technique of spatial channel compaction involves the use of a special optical fiber having several cores.

In addition to increasing the speed and flow of information transmitted to the FOCL, their safety is an important quality. As of July 2022, guaranteed protection of transmitted data from the threat of hacking using a quantum computer can be ensured by the use of quantum key distribution (KPC) technology. It is known that the implementation of the CRK technology requires two communication channels: one open and the other quantum, so the technology of spatial channel compaction will reduce the cost and simplify the organization of quantum communication systems, including the construction of quantum networks. Therefore, the Research Institute "Quantum Center" MTUSI, together with scientists from the NCVO RAS, who were directly engaged in the development of technology for the manufacture of multi-center fibers for domestic industry, began a series of studies of the peculiarities of the use of domestic multi-center fibers in the implementation of multi-channel quantum communication systems.

MTUSI employees, through a multi-heart fiber made by specialists from the IOF RAS, for the first time simultaneously implemented several quantum communication channels. In particular, through one channel, the MTUSI-MISIS quantum network was operated, and inside the MTUSI Quantum Center, two more pairs of quantum communication units were connected through the same segment of multi-heart fiber.

Multi-point optical fiber technology can be used to significantly increase the throughput of RCC systems, or by allowing the parallel transmission of independent keys between different end users using the same transmission medium (relevant in access networks), or by transferring one key over all fiber cores between two end users (a function desired in trunk networks), - explained Yuri Mironov, Dean of the Faculty of Networks and Communication Systems of MTUSI.

Unused channels of the multi-heart fiber were used to inject external laser radiation to investigate its effect on quantum coupling characteristics. Experiments by employees of MTUSI and IOF RAS showed the possibility of simultaneous stable operation of three quantum communication channels, which confirms the high prospects for sharing technologies for spatial channel compaction and quantum key distribution.

With the use of new fibers, record transmission rates were achieved, on the information order of several petabits per second. In addition, due to the fact that spatial compression technology can reduce the number of fiber-optic cables, it is promising for saving the place of laying cables in access networks, simplifying the structure of information transmission paths, reducing the number of cables in data storage and processing centers, - said Olga Egorova, specialist of the IOF RAS.

Present your own approach to creating multi-channel fiber links

fiber optic communication Specialists developed their own approach to creating multichannel lines, MTUSI which became known on June 29, 2022. It is expected that the technique will reduce the cost of services communications and provide a throughput per cable pair of fibers from 100 Terabits per second to 10 Petabits per second.

The principle of fiber optic communication is to transmit a light signal through a closed thread-like medium of quartz or other transparent material, which is called a core. Light is held inside such a fiber by a reflective sheath, the scientists explained. According to experts, systems that combine several cores in one shell - multi-channel optical fibers (MKV) - become extremely relevant.

Scientists of the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUSI) managed, according to them, to optimize the approach to the development of multi-channel fibers, which will allow creating cables with increased throughput for any application. The key advantages of ICS are high data transfer rate, low bit price and high cable compactness.

"We have improved the conceptual and mathematical tools of modern fiber-optic communication, thanks to which we can achieve the best cable properties. We studied the relationship between the number of cores and the interval between them, as well as other optical and physical parameters of the fiber, "said Nadezhda Shishova, head of the Department of Multichannel Telecommunication Systems at MTUSI.

Scientists stressed that the presented approach for the first time will make it possible to produce the best versions of fibers of various purposes, guided not by overestimation of parameters.

"Our method makes it possible to design consciously, as is called" from the first principles, "the design of cables with MKOV for data centers and broadband access lines, for communication lines in transport networks, in 5G radio communication systems, as well as in underwater optical lines with high throughput," explained Nadezhda Shishova.

As an example of the application of the new strategy, MTUSI scientists calculated an optimization model for two, four, and seven-core MBCs. In the future, the scientific team plans to clarify the proposed approach for practical application in various fields.[1]
