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Micron: SIM cards M2M

Developers: Micron
Date of the premiere of the system: December 2023
Branches: Telecommunications and Communications,  Electrical and Microelectronics

2023: Serial Card Production

On December 25, 2023, it became known that the Russian manufacturer of microelectronic products "Micron" is starting serial production of domestic SIM-cards for the Internet of Things. The possibility of using products is assessed by MegaFon, MTS, VimpelCom, as well as a number of specialized companies.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, we are talking about SIM-cards for machine-to-machine interaction (M2M). They are designed for various consumer, commercial and industrial equipment. These include smart home devices, ATMs and payment terminals, wireless monitoring systems, security and security systems, industrial platforms, etc. The M2M technology provides for reduced power consumption and a small amount of traffic in the cellular network.

Micron starts mass production of domestic M2M SIM-cards

Domestic SIM cards M2M developed using state subsidies. The size of investments in the project as of the end of December 2023 was not disclosed. Micron intends to start mass production of chips for new SIM cards in 2024. In addition, the company will enclose these products. It is known that the plant for organizing the production of products had to "adjust existing technological processes." The NM-Tech company will also produce chips.

Micron estimates the volume of the Russian SIM card market at M2M "several hundred thousand" units per year. It is expected that demand will be stimulated by government projects, including the use of domestic SIM cards on networks where data security is important. In particular, in 2024, certification of cryptographic information protection tools for microcircuits in new products will begin. Yuri Shvydchenko, director of technology practice at Trust Technologies (formerly PwC), assumes that in 2024 the segment will grow by about 20% in physical terms, and smart home systems will become one of the market drivers.[1]
