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Napoleon IT reviews

The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: Napoleon IT (Napoleon Aichi)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2023/09/29
Last Release Date: 2024/09/11
Technology: Speech technology


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Add a widget to boost sales with smart feedback for users

AI-company Napoleon IT has launched a widget for product cards, which allows you to collect and summarize reviews from various sources, including marketplaces, forming brief summaries of key characteristics. This tool allows you to increase conversion to purchase up to 270% and improve customer experience. The company announced this on September 11, 2024.

A study by SRC Northwestern University shows that having at least five quality product reviews can increase the likelihood of buying by 270%. This highlights the importance of feedback for consumer decision-making. Additional research by Power Reviews confirms this trend, with 95% of buyers using reviews and 86% considering them an integral part of the purchase process.

To simplify product selection and increase sales, Napoleon IT has developed an intelligent widget that integrates directly into the product card on the company's website, providing analytics for each name. The widget collects reviews from various marketplaces, analyzes them and forms generalized micro-responses indicating the average rating.

The main features of the widget from Napoleon IT:

Brief sammari: the widget automatically collects reviews from several marketplaces, analyzes them and forms a compressed summary of the main theses that customers write about in reviews. For example, for a fashion brand, it might look like this: "The middle fit of jeans, the tight fabric, fit well in the shape."

Detailed information: in addition to sammari, the client can get acquainted with the list of the most popular positive and negative topics that users mention. This helps customers more quickly assess the key advantages and disadvantages of the product, facilitating the decision-making process. It is also possible to view feedback from different sources if the customer prefers to price the item on a particular sales site.

Social proof: The widget effectively summarizes positive reviews, highlighting the best quality of the product and enhancing brand confidence. According to Power Reviews, 30% of shoppers under 44 review reviews before each purchase, and people under 45 trust other shoppers' reviews 61% more than friends and family recommendations.

The widget from Napoleon IT allows you to significantly speed up the decision-making process for users. Thanks to generalized reviews and a convenient interface, product selection becomes faster and easier, which directly affects sales growth. Structured and clear opinion sheets help customers make more conscious choices, increasing their satisfaction with purchases and improving their overall customer experience.

In addition, the widget saves users time and effort by offering summary ratings and key product characteristics based on feedback. This is especially convenient for those who browse products on desktop versions of sites, increasing engagement and simplifying decision-making.

In addition, this widget from Napoleon IT provides sellers with valuable analytics about customer sentiment, which helps improve the quality of products and services.

The widget is based on our own LLM model, which we originally developed for brands with the aim of improving their products based on feedback from customers. Now our technology not only helps companies, but also greatly simplifies the choice for buyers, which ultimately leads to a significant increase in sales on sites, - commented the cofounder "Napoleon.Reviews" Danil Zaytsev.

Ability to analyze comments in social networks

AI-company Napoleon IT has improved its product for intelligent feedback analysis "Napoleon.Reviews." The company announced this on April 18, 2024. Now its own LLM model, using 7 billion parameters, is able to analyze comments in social networks and determine the topics and mood of users of popular sites. Processing speed increased to 100 reviews per second.

Companies that host pages about their products on social networks can use Napoleon. Reviews to automatically identify and summarize the topics of subscribers' comments, as well as understand the tone with which users turn to the brand. The updated product from Napoleon IT was able to analyze comments on Telegram, VK, YouTube and others.

Additional functions were added thanks to the development of its own language model, which is similar in capabilities to ChatGPT or YandexGPT. Napoleon IT took data on marked and analyzed reviews from other online platforms and further trained for use on social networks. The LLM model uses 7 billion parameters for analysis, thanks to which the quality of work has greatly increased, the speed has reached 100 reviews per second, and the price of using the product has become lower. In addition, it became possible to launch the product completely in the customer infrastructure, which allows you to work with information within the company's contour.

"Napoleon.Reviews" allows you to conduct intellectual analysis, summation and generation of responses to user reviews on marketplaces, online maps, as well as in client email services and in mobile store applications. The quality of analytics reaches 97%. Napoleon.Reviews users can find out the audience's opinion about their product and quickly respond to feedback, as well as compare indicators with competitors' products.

The opportunities that have appeared have already been evaluated by the first companies that used the product from Napoleon IT.

Our brand has already worked with the product "Napoleon.Reviews" and was pleased with the results shown by the system. New opportunities allow us to effectively work with customer feedback and on social media sites - commented Anton Balyklov, CEO and Lapochka foundation.

Napoleon.Reviews is one of the products based on artificial intelligence that the company is developing as part of its business. Also, Napoleon IT creates customized AI solutions for various industries both to order and for its own products.

Napoleon IT is actively developing the direction of generative networks and large language models along different verticals. Our company sees great potential in this, - commented Danil Zaytsev, cofounder "Napoleon.Reviews."

2023: Launch of the "Napoleon IT reviews" solution

AI-company Napoleon IT on September 29, 2023 launched a digital product that can be online mode to respond to customer feedback using generative networks.

"Napoleon IT Reviews" allows you to create personalized responses using previous user messages, item card description, product ratings, feedback from competitors, market trends and other useful information. Technology able to give 50 thousand answers per minute.

According to a study of the SEO platform BrightLocal, 88% of buyers with a large are likely to use the services of the company or purchase the product if will find her responding to all customer feedback - good and bad. Usually with such tasks are handled by the marketing team or quality control specialists. This digital product "Napoleon IT reviews" will be able to respond to 1 million reviews literally per day. Moreover, for auto-response, you can choose not only Marketplaces platforms, but also online maps, mobile application stores, client email services.

The technology of generative networks determines the tone of the recall and forms a response, focusing on a knowledge base consisting of several segments:

  • previous user feedback and responses;
  • product cards on marketplaces or other sites;
  • brand configuration;
  • feedback from competitors;
  • market trends.

Digital product allows you to respond to neutral and positive reviews without participation of a person according to the specified templates from the brand. Responses to negative buyer comments may require additional approval from a specialist of the company so that the client is completely satisfied with the feedback.

{{quote 'Our approach is to always implement the latest technologies that help effectively solve the problems of business customers. With "Napoleon IT reviews," brands can increase customer loyalty and satisfaction, and reduce the time to process feedback from buyers, "commented Ruslan Akhtyamov, co-founder of Napoleon IT.}}