Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2 Voice robot

Developers: (Neuro)
Technology: Call Centers,  Voice Technology

The main articles are:

The solution will automate the operation of the contact center and free its operators from some routine tasks, such as making cold calls or answering standard customer questions.

2021: Description of the voice robot

According to information for April 2021 voice robot , the includes the development (NLU Natural-language understanding, a system for processing statements of use), which gives him the opportunity to study in a small amount. data The system works on the basis machine learning and knows more than 17 million statements. In addition, the robot is able to make minimal pauses, as in a conversation between a person and a person, and respond to interruptions from the interlocutor, silencing and listening to it. A digital operator can make up to 500 thousand calls in 8 hours, which is several thousand times more than the number of calls made by a regular operator. According to the results of the pilot project, the decision of the showed that it is not inferior to people in the conversion of calls.