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Nvidia Isaac

The name of the base system (platform): Nvidia Jetson
Developers: Nvidia
Date of the premiere of the system: 2018/06/04
Technology: CAD,  Development tools of applications

Nvidia Isaac is the platform for the next generation of independent machines which is designed to allocate with artificial intelligence of robots for production, logistics, agriculture, construction and many other scopes.

the Nvidia Isaac platform includes directly the platform, software and the simulator of robots in the virtual world.

2018: Announcement

The Nvidia company announced availability of Nvidia Isaac — tool kit for simulation, training, check and deployment of Jetson Xavier.

In heart of Nvidia Isaac Jetson Xavier — the computer equipped over 9 billion transistors lies. It provides performance in 30 TOPS (trillion operations per second), consuming at the same time only a third of energy consumption of a normal bulb.

At the same time, the platform for robots includes:

  • Isaac SDKthe API set and tools for development of program algorithms and frameworks with completely accelerated libraries;
  • Isaac IMX is a set of the Isaac Intelligent Machine Acceleration applications developed by Nvidia for robots;
  • Isaac Sim is the realistic virtual environment of modeling allowing developers to train independent machines and to execute hardware-software testing of systems on the Jetson Xavier platform.

The Nvidia Jetson Xavier set for developers including the software of Isaac will be available at the price in $1299 since August, 2018 from distributors worldwide.