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OneCell the AI platform for diagnosis of oncological diseases

The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: OneCell
Date of the premiere of the system: 2021/02/12
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

Main articles:

2021: The announcement of the AI platform for diagnosis of oncological diseases

On February 12, 2021 it became known that the medical startup of OneCell developed the complex platform with AI for diagnosis of oncological diseases.


As it was reported, OneCell is a telemedicine platform with artificial intelligence and the equipment for diagnostics in an oncopathology. Creation of a complex product for digitalization and recognition in an oncopathology became important feature of the project. Investments into the project will make 6 million dollars. Erudite, medical employees and developers from Russia, Israel and Norway took part in creation of the project. For February, 2021 the OneCell platform was started as a pilot project and there takes place test implementation in three laboratories, including in the largest federal oncological center in Russia NMITs of oncology of N.N. Petrov.

The hardware and software system consists of the equipment, the telemedicine platform and tools of artificial intelligence. The equipment allows to make any microscope in laboratories digital, and to consider the scanned images on increase in 400 krat (as under a microscope). Using the camera the telemedicine platform allows doctors-pathologists to make diagnoses and to hold these telepathological consultations irrespective of their location. The main focus of Date Science of a command are an artificial intelligence technology as the instrument of support of adoption of medical solutions. They will not replace the pathologist, but will significantly facilitate his work. AI will allow to perform search of similar cases in structure of images, to segment fabrics and to perform calculation of histochemical markers.

Though all oncological diagnoses rely on the conclusions of the pathologist, for the last 150 years in this area there were no significant changes. Annually pathologists browse hundreds of millions of glasses on the basis of which the final diagnosis forms. All this volume of knowledge gets to analog archive and is used by nobody. It is difficult to imagine that in the 21st century doctors should spend the vital time for search manually of similar clinical cases in archives of hospitals. Using artificial intelligence technologies of OneCell, we found a method to turn glasses with biopsy samples into structured data. It allows to perform digital search of similar images among all medical institutions.

Alexander Ninburg, the founder of the OneCell platform and also the co-founder of the ATOL Sigma project told about the idea of creation of the project.

The whole world suffers from low-quality diagnostics in oncology. From basic reasons - a shortcoming of pathologists, growth of load of each specialist. It increases risk of a human factor at all steps of performing diagnostics – from taking of a biopsy to preparation of glasses and diagnostics.

Every year a huge number of people is received by incorrect pathological diagnoses. Only in the USA this digit reaches 12 million adults a year, i.e. every 20th adult (according to the research BMJ Quality & Safety). According to a research of 2017 which was conducted based on Mayo clinic in Rochester the State of Minnesota, the USA, from all patients addressing for the second opinion on the case, only 12% received the confirmed diagnosis, 88% of patients received specified or at all the reversed diagnosis, 21% changed, 67% - the specified diagnosis (false positive or false-negative).

In such situation the artificial intelligence and digital technologies can be the only way of problem solving. If in some European countries the digital oncopathology, then in Russia completely analog infrastructure for interaction between pathologists already developed. At the same time, deficit of pathologists in the country for February, 2021 more than 50%, and in 20 years is predicted deficit at the level of 70%.

The offered system with artificial intelligence allows us to implement fully telepathology, including the concept of the second opinion, to provide access to base of clinical data and morphological images, to implement life-long professional education for pathologists, to optimize routing of histologic and cytologic material with an opportunity to exclude from this chain of the patient, to control quality and to collect relevant statistical data. Pathologists actively took part in product development.

Anna Artemyeva, PhDs in Medicine, the manager told about the project. pathoanatomical department, head of scientific laboratory of morphology of tumors, associate professor of department of educational and methodical work of NMITs of oncology of N.N. Petrov, member of expert advice of OneCell

The digitalizations existing for February, 2021 in Russia of the solution required reorganization of many processes in pathological laboratories, and often it served as the main barrier upon transition to digital diagnostics. For example, it was required to install in addition expensive import equipment.

Alexander Ninburg added

For February, 2021 in the OneCell command of 45 people, including 11 pathologists. Creation of a product took slightly less than a year. The solution of the company is capable to integrate in a uniform national digital circuit both the largest oncological centers of Moscow, and remote laboratories in regions. Also in the potential of the project development of two big directions – education for pathologists and oncologists and a research in the field of creation of medicines where the accuracy and standardization plays a huge role.