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Oxygen Forensic Detective

Developers: Oxygen Forensics
Date of the premiere of the system: 2015/10/13

Oxygen Forensic Detective is a versatile criminalistic tool for a research of these mobile devices. The product allows to execute complete extraction of data, to carry out exhaustive data analysis, stored on phones and in cloud storages.

On October 13, 2015 the Oxygen Forensics company announced public availability of the Oxygen Forensic Detective software package.

Screenshot of the program window, 2015

Oxygen Forensic Detective supports data collection in real time more than from 11 thousand mobile devices of platforms iOS Android Windows 8 Windows Mobile 5/6, RIM (Blackberry) Symbian Bada, devices on the basis of the Chinese set of chips of MTK, from simple mobile phones.

As a part of a product:

  • advanced means of Oxygen Forensic Cloud Extractor — the wired utility program collecting data from cloud services of data storage;
  • means of Oxygen Forensic Maps — the wired utility program working with data of geographic information systems, defining often visited places, helping to build routes according to the user and to define where often there were owners of devices on images of memory of several devices;
  • Oxygen Forensic Call Data Expert is the wired utility program for import of data writings about calls (so-called CDR files) of any service provider of wireless communication and the visual analysis of connections of subscribers.

"Development of mobile phones reached that stage when smartphones "know" about the owners more, than their desktop computers and notebooks. Because of continuously changing industry it became more difficult to obtain information from mobile phones because of use of enciphering, difficult passwords and biometric means of protecting, for example on the basis of fingerprints, - Oleg Fedorov, the CEO of Oxygen Forensics company told. - At the same time, more and more users synchronize data of mobile devices and make their backup copies, addressing cloud services on the basis of own developments of the different companies or technologies of third-party suppliers. Therefore, to our clients the complete and universal solution which could make collecting of "mobile" data from all on sale devices, generalization of data retrieveds was urgently required and also would allow to make the expanded analysis of this extremely important information. Such solution is the packet of Oxygen Forensic Detective".