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PIMU: Optoacoustic angiograph

Developers: Volga Research Medical University (PIMU)
Date of the premiere of the system: July 2024
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

2024: Product Announcement

The first optoacoustic angiograph in Russia, designed to assess the condition of blood vessels, was developed by scientists from the Volga Research Medical University (PIMU). This became known at the end of July 2024. The new device allows you to diagnose with high accuracy the progression of vascular diseases in the early stages and distinguish post-thrombotic disease from other pathologies.

According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, optoacoustic angiograph has a number of advantages over traditional diagnostic methods such as ultrasound, CT and MRI. The new device is capable of displaying changes in blood volume, diameter and tortuosity of blood vessels in real time and with high detail.

The first optoacoustic angiograph in Russia has been developed. It is needed to assess the state of the vessels

Surgeon and phlebologist of PIMU, Candidate of Medical Sciences Svetlana Nemirova emphasized the importance of development not only to assess the effectiveness of treatment, but also to prevent repeated thrombosis and its complications. The device is of particular importance for patients with the consequences of thrombosis and post-thrombotic disease.

The principle of operation of the optoacoustic angiograph is based on the registration of ultrasonic signals generated by blood vessels. to medicine Pavel Subochev, an employee of the Department of Radiophysical Methods at PIMU, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences and researcher, explained that vessels of different calibers emit various sounds: the smallest capillaries "squeak" at frequencies up to 100 MHz, and larger ones - from 100 kHz. By capturing these sounds with an ultrasonic antenna, specialists form angiographic images with an accuracy of 30 microns.

The examination procedure with the new device is simple. To scan the ankle, the patient needs to lie on his back and lift the ankles up at a 30-degree angle and then lower them at the same angle. At this point, the microscope ultrasonic antennas determine the blood vessel caliber.[1]
