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PROMT Translation Server

Developers: PROMT
Last Release Date: 2019/07/31
Technology: Office applications


2019: Compatibility of PROMT Translation Server Developer Edition with Red OS

On July 31, 2019 the RED SOFT company reported that together with PROMT held testing for compatibility of the products. Results of tests confirmed correctness of work of the software of PROMT Translation Server Developer Edition (production of PROMT) on the operating room sistemered to OS (production of RED SOFT) and were reflected in the bilateral certificate.

RED SOFT is aimed at creation of effective and convenient solutions for a wide range of users. The scope of such large number of diversified domestic goods allows to speak about RED OS as about the universal import-independent environment. Thanks to partnership with PROMT we expanded functionality of our operating system, opening additional opportunities
commented Rustamov Rustam, the deputy CEO of RED SOFT

The PROMT company, in turn, emphasized importance of cooperation with RED SOFT.

Our company as the Russian software maker, understands all importance of import substitution, including, in IT sphere. We aim to develop partnership with domestic colleagues whom RED SOFT treats. Result of our cooperation – an opportunity for users of the RED OS operating system: the analysis of Big Data, work with unstructured data in different languages, identification of entities, the important facts and all necessary information,
told Nikolay Pirogov, the sales director of PROMT


PROMT Translation Server 19

On September 19, 2018 PROMT announced release of the 19th version of machine translators for corporate and house segments. The company improved architecture of the client-server solution PROMT Translation Server.

PROMT Translation Server 19

Problems of date leaks and lack of control of information become more and more relevant for business and cause damage to the companies. According to analysts, in 2017 over 2 thousand cases of leaks were recorded that is 37% higher in comparison with 2016, and the volume of the flowed-away records increased by 4 times and exceeded 13 million records. Nearly 70% of leaks happen through network – browsers or cloud solutions. Leads to severe violations of confidentiality, including, use by the staff of the companies of free tools on the Internet or cloud solutions for machine translation as the translated content appears at owners of online translators and becomes available to search.

As the total ban on use of online translators and cloud solutions in the companies can become critical for daily work and the solution of business challenges, use of the programs which are not requiring connection to the Internet during which work there is no collecting or data exchange.

Software products of PROMT for business users do not require connection to the Internet and can be integrated into corporate network of the customer. This version of the solution of the company – PROMT Translation Server 19 – a powerful intellectual platformfa for the solution of any tasks of work with documentation and data in different languages in corporate environment – supports now neural language translation technologies and also allows to train the solution on the basis of corporate these customers.

Possibilities of PROMT Translation Server 19:

- Support of modern technologies

PROMT Translation Server 19 supports neural language translation technologies and works at a basis of the updated modules that allows to get qualitative translation of technical, scientific, financial, legal documentation and business correspondence.

- The translation of any documents with preservation of formatting

Using PROMT Translation Server 19 it is possible to get the fast translation of documents of different formats with preserving of initial formatting. In the provided version support of the OpenDocument Text(.odt) formats for the translation of text files and OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods) for the translation of spreadsheets is added.

- Tools for thin setup

Customers can get the adapted machine translation on the basis of the materials (glossaries, dictionaries, reference books, earlier executed transfers). Specialists of PROMT give support and services in setup of the solution for business challenges of customers.

- Help resources

In the solution the updated dictionary base of the general lexicon and big base of ready transfers on different subjects is available to different languages. On all handbook data it is possible to perform intellectual search – taking into account morphology, subject of the text, on specific transfer.

- PROMT Agent

PROMT Agent is the important solution component allowing to get the translation of a fragment of a word or the text in only two clicks in any application, the program or the browser. Two-window regime of the Agent with a possibility of text editing of transfer is presented in this version that it is convenient at independent writing of texts in foreign languages.

PROMT Translation Server 18.5

On April 17, 2018 the PROMT company provided free updating of the client-server solution PROMT Translation Server to version 18.5 for all users of the Corporate Subscription.

In PTS 18.5 augmented list of supported languages: translation directions - Hindi, Hebrew and Dutch were added. For correct use of all functions of the translation system video tutorials and user guides available offline are added.

According to PROMT, stability and stability of work considerably improved due to implementation of filters and updating of monitoring systems. Usability indicators are optimized, the found errors are eliminated, for example, hangup when translating after reset of a system, translation methods of lines and text arrays are added. Process of interaction with the program became much more convenient.


Products and technologies of PROMT for Asia

The sales director of PROMTNIKITA Shablykov at the end of October, 2017 told about products and technologies of the company to potential partners from Asia.

PROMT develops the linguistic software since 1991, providing, as of October, 2017, solutions for automatic translation for 20 languages. At the same time using products of the company it is possible not just to translate the text or the document from one language on another, solutions can be also adapted for each customer taking into account specifics of his content.

According to Shablykov, in the Chinese market PROMT already has several partners.

According to the statistics translation requests, Asian languages so far many times concede in popularity to English. However, we are sure that in the next years this direction will become more and more demanded — Nikita Shablykov is convinced.

He also emphasized that the PROMT company in most short time (up to 4 months) is capable to develop the solution under a certain business for transfer and the analysis of Big Data of different type, including the project documentation, requests in support services, social networks and another.

According to Sawney Miyau, the director of the largest Chinese company of technology services of Tus-S&T Service Co., Ltd, Big Data there is a priority of the companies in Celestial Empire therefore they are aimed at development of cooperation with the hi-tech companies and startups in all Russia from this sphere.

PROMT Translation Server 18

On September 19, 2017 the PROMT company announced upgrade of a line of corporate solutions for automatic translation, having provided PROMT Translation Server 18.

One of features of the version - an opportunity to add user data, both for transfer, and as the reference information. Thanks to these opportunities PROMT Translation Server 18 became the multifunction platform on work with texts and documents in different languages.

In the upgraded version transfer speed increased. A transfer is made by clicking of "one button" with preserving of structure and formatting of the source file. At the same time the possibility of setup of a profile allows to save and address earlier executed transfers, to create own dictionaries, to select translation rules, to load glossaries and Translatiom Memory bases.

The base of examples of transfer with the emphasis on business correspondence executed by professional translators is integrated into a product.

Besides, changes are made to work of the client application PROMT Agent, as a part of PROMT Translation Server 18. To software it is intended for transfer of separate words and fragments of texts in any applications, for fast sending for the translation of documents and web pages without additional switchings between screens. The updated PROMT Agent allows to translate or listen in real time to words, to specify their transcription and grammatical information.

Promt of 18 Open API is Integration of the translator into other system through API. Example of integration of PROMT into SharePoint

2016: PROMT Translation Server 12

The PROMT company, the Russian developer of solutions on automatic translation, released in September, 2016 release of a flagship product — corporate solution for automatic translation of PROMT Translation Server 12 and also updated a line of desktop products for private and corporate users.

According to developers, significant changes were made to functionality and a linguistic part of a flagship product — PROMT Translation Server 12 (PTS 12). In particular, the base of real examples of the use with intellectual search is integrated — now the user can look at transfer of a word or expression in real examples and in different contexts. The base was formed on the basis of the transfers executed by professionals and contains the large volume of examples on different data domains (commerce, medicine, finance, mechanical engineering, etc.).

The plug-in to SDL Trados Studio 2009 and later versions for automatic replenishment of Translation Memory bases is built in by results of automatic translation. As result, the professional translator needs only to edit automatic translation in SDL Trados Studio.

At the same time, the super-confidential operation mode became available to heads and top managers of the company. In this mode all translated content does not remain on the translation server, so, remains is invisible to other users, including the administrator of the server.

Besides, the set of the tools facilitating work is added: a user memory of transfers, data transfer of users "one button", a convenient display mode of the translated documents and many other things.

The solution PTS 12 is established in corporate network and does not require Internet access. The translator supports 20 languages and more than 10 document formats, including PDF. The SmartTechnology component implemented in the last version automatically determines key parameters of the document — a format, original language, subject and type (the letter, the agreement, the instruction, etc.) — and makes a transfer with preserving of initial formatting. Thanks to simple API PROMT Translation Server 12 it is easily integrated into a corporate portal, a mail service and any technology processes and programs of the client.

Innovations concerned also all line of desktop products of the company for private and corporate users. In all products the contents of dictionaries are updated, and the plug-in of "PROMT Agent" for instant translation of words or text fragments offers translation variants now. In the new version at selection of a word or a phrase in a pop-up window of "PROMT Agent" the dictionary information structured in parts speeches will open. The agent works through the hot keys or at once at selection of the text a mouse if to include this mode in settings of the agent, noted in the company.

2013: PROMT Translation Server 10

The PROMT company announced in October, 2013 a release of the 10th version of the network solution on automatic translation for corporate users – PROMT Translation Server. The main efforts when developing were directed to giving to users the most convenient solution adapted to modern conditions of business.

Main differences of a new solution:

  • The ergonomic graphical interface for the fast and convenient translation of texts, the websites, documents.
  • PROMT Agent – for fast transfer of text fragment and the reference according to dictionaries in any applications.

Additional opportunities:

  • The new PDF converter from BCL Technologies company which provides better recognition of texts thanks to what the translation quality increases.
  • Electronic dictionary for 6 languages with a total amount more than 2,200,000 words with the most modern lexicon on the different fields of science and business.
  • Statistics of use of the translation server on users and types of transfers (transfer in the web interface, translation of sites, documents, etc.).

PROMT Translation Server 10 is available in the following complete sets:

  • Workgroup: 10 jobs with simultaneous connection to 5 users,
  • Standard: 100 jobs with simultaneous connection to 20 users,
  • Enterprise: 1,000 jobs with simultaneous connection from 21 users,
  • Developer: individual conditions.

For all the version of PROMT Translation Server the free application on platforms iOS and Android – PROMT Corporate is also had.

2012: PROMT Translation Server 9.5 Intranet Edition (PTS 9.5 IE)

PROMT Translation Server 9.5 Intranet Edition (PTS 9.5 IE) is the solution allowing to automate completely the translation of texts within the company. It means that all foreign-language content which is coming to the company, circulating between its divisions or going beyond its limits can automatically be translated into the necessary language.

Feature of PTS 9.5 IE – access for users to the translation server via the web interface.


  • instant connection of new jobs,
  • access from any browser,
  • possibility of remote work,
  • easy and user-friendly interface,
  • maintenance of unity of corporate style and terminology,
  • centralized operation by access rights.

PTS 9.5 IE allows to translate quickly and qualitatively:

  • the entering and outgoing correspondence;
  • documents in corporate network (information from foreign branches, news, the international analytics, etc.);
  • information on the websites.

The translation function of PROMT is easily embedded in popular applications: MS Office (including Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint), Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome, OpenOffice, Adobe (translation of files in the PDF format).

Giant supports by PTS 9.5 IE in a complete set 6 main European languages and provides transfer in the following directions:

  • English-Russian and Russian-English;
  • German-Russian and Russian-German;
  • French-Russian and Russian-French;
  • Spanish-Russian and Russian-Spanish;
  • Italian-Russian.

The following languages in the Russian and English directions can be also added to a new product:

  • Ukrainian,
  • Latvian,
  • Polish,
  • Chinese (simplified, traditional).