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PT Cloud Application Firewall

Developers: Positive Technologies
Date of the premiere of the system: 2023/11/16
Branches: Information security
Technology: SaaS - Software as a service,  information security - Firewalls

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2024: K2 Cloud Launch

K2 Cloud and Positive Technologies on July 9, 2024 announced the conclusion of a technological partnership. The key area of ​ ​ interaction was the launch of the Positive Technologies cloud product - PT Cloud Application Firewall from the K2 Cloud. This will help customer companies quickly protect their web applications, which are often the most vulnerable part of the perimeter of organizations.

According to a Positive Technologies study, 98% of web applications contain vulnerabilities that allow users to be attacked, and 32% of such incidents have a serious impact on companies' business processes. PT Cloud Application Firewall is a Positive Technologies cloud product for protecting web applications in 24/7 mode. It is a full-fledged WAF (Web Application Firewall) in the cloud - a ready-made solution with a large set of functions. Thanks to the ability to pre-scan a protected web resource for vulnerabilities, the product provides deep protection for web applications from the first minutes of operation.

K2 Cloud users can connect the solution in hours, and K2 Cloud certified specialists can provide high-quality product configuration as soon as possible. Positive Technologies provides online access to technical support, as well as the ability to manage the solution through an interactive web console.

Within the framework of technological cooperation between K2 Cloud and Technologies companies, the PT Cloud Application Firewall cloud solution works according to a subscription model and does not require hardware resources from customers, which makes the solution available not only for companies with developed IT infrastructure, but also for small and medium-sized businesses. Key users are representatives of the e-commerce, FMCG, retail, IT, educational institutions and other business areas.

Information security is the foundation for business continuity. Insufficient attention cyber security to and increasing threats lead to serious consequences: loss of resources, reduction and loyalty. data breaches Web applications require protection against cyber threats, making WAF a necessary tool for filtering traffic and. information protection According to to data our partner, only 35% of companies are protected by reliable WAF. For us, partnership with Positive Technologies is an opportunity to help our customers make their business even more reliable and focus on its development, and not solving non-core problems, - commented Kirill Boyko, CTO of K2 Cloud.

PT Cloud Application Firewall is a cloud product from Positive Technologies that protects web applications and APIs, reduces the risks of cyber attacks and data breaches. Partnering with a provider such as K2 Cloud opens up opportunities to quickly and qualitatively increase its information security for a wide range of companies. We are confident in the success of this cooperation and are planning its further strategic development, "commented Denis Prokhorchik, Director of Cloud Product Business Development at Positive Technologies.

2023: Release of the cloud version of PT Cloud Application Firewall

On November 16, 2023, Positive Technologies announced the release of the cloud version of the web application layer firewall - PT Cloud Application Firewall.

According to the company, PT Cloud Application Firewall is the first commercial cloud product to protect web applications from Positive Technologies. The web application firewall (WAF) is now available by subscription through technology partners - authorized service and cloud providers. This allows medium and small businesses to protect their web resources from external cyber threats, as well as zero-day attacks. According to Positive Technologies, the number of successful cyber attacks on businesses is growing quarterly, companies from any industry, regardless of their size, are under attack.

Industries that became the target of cyber fraudsters in the second quarter of 2023

Web applications are still a vulnerable link of companies - 98% of web resources are susceptible to attacks. Using the application as an entry point into the company, an attacker can spread, malicious software steal personal data or deface - change the contents of the resource. to analytics According to the service "," Domains Russia as of November 2023, about 3 million web applications were registered in the Russian Federation, and a third of them belong to legal persons. Thus, 1 million commercial web applications need protection from cyber attacks. The web information security application firewall (WAF) product class can provide full application protection. However, business cannot always afford large capital expenditures () for CAPEX the purchase of on-premium information security products. For some organizations, operating costs () OPEX are more profitable. Moreover, many companies translate infrastructure into clouds, and projects are implemented for the most part in cloud format.

PT Cloud Application Firewall is the launch speed, it can provide protection against cyber attacks from the first day of installation. To start, you do not need additional infrastructure and a team of information security specialists - just contact our partner and get the protection of the web resource as a service almost on the same day. This model of using an information security product - by subscription - allows a business to protect web resources without requiring a simultaneous investment of working capital. PT Cloud Application Firewall maintenance and maintenance services are provided by the vendor and technology partner himself. And you can manage the product and track its work from anywhere in the world.

told Denis Prokhorchik, Director of Cloud Product Business Development at Positive Technologies

PT Cloud Application Firewall

The cloud version of the product allows customers to choose the optimal tariff plan depending on the workload of the web application, starting from 100 RPS. The tariff can be changed by flexibly synchronizing with the application download traffic. The PT Application Firewall and the company's experience in protecting web applications formed the basis for creating a cloud version - PT Cloud Application Firewall.

According to the results of nine months of 2023, the share of PT Application Firewall in the company's shipments amounted to 16%. Over the year, the product showed a twofold increase in sales. As of November 2023, for more than 10 years of the existence of PT Application Firewall, about 2,000 Russian companies from various sectors of the economy are its users.

noted Denis Korablev, Managing Director, Product Director, Positive Technologies

The creation of a cloud version of the product required the team to introduce other approaches to the development process and create different competencies in the team.

The main thing that we implemented in PT Cloud Application Firewall is a different approach for us to delivering information security products. This is a move towards supporting cloud-native infrastructure that needs to be protected, but on-premium is not suitable for this. And the service consumption model allows us to reduce the time from introducing functionality into the product to receiving feedback from users - a short feedback cycle is important for the qualitative development of products, especially such complex ones as web application firewall. This is especially valuable for the expert part of the product - optimizing its protection algorithms and reducing the response time to current vulnerabilities. Given that the main task of WAF-class products is to protect against cyber attacks, where the speed of reaction is extremely important, a cloud product is a necessity.

shared Alexey Astakhov, head of application security products at Positive Technologies

PT Cloud Application Firewall has already been implemented in the infrastructure of technology partners Positive Technologies - service and cloud providers.