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Project Iris

Developers: Google
Date of the premiere of the system: June 2023
Branches: Electrical and Microelectronics

2023: Project Closure

On June 27, 2023, it became known that Google had curtailed the project to develop augmented reality (AR) glasses. We are talking about the Project Iris initiative, which has been implemented for several years.

The project first became known in early 2022. It was assumed that outwardly the AR gadget would look like ordinary glasses. For example, the created options resembled a product called Focals of the Canadian startup North, which Google acquired in 2020. The Project Iris team even demonstrated some of the functions of their brainchild. The final version of the glasses was planned to be released approximately in 2024.

Project Iris

According to Business Insider, referring to information received from knowledgeable persons, it was decided to curtail the project for several reasons. One of them is the wave of layoffs and reshuffles that swept through the company. Another event that influenced Google's decision was the departure of Clay Bavor, a former head of augmented and virtual reality: he formed his own startup with Salesforce co-CEO Bret Taylor. In addition, it is reported that constant changes in the development strategy of Project Iris created uncertainty within the team and became a disappointment for product developers.

However, despite the closure of the Project Iris initiative, Google does not plan to completely abandon the development of the AR direction. The company, in particular, will continue to develop software in the relevant area, which can then be licensed to gadget manufacturers. One of the directions is the creation of Android XR for wearable "extended reality" devices. Samsung In addition, a new micro XR platform for headsets is in development.[1]
