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Pyaterochka: Personal account for partners

Developers: Pyaterochka Federal Trade Network
Last Release Date: 2024/09/11
Branches: Trade
Technology: BI,  Accounting Systems

Main article: Business Intelligence (BI)

2024: Personal Account for Partners

The Pyaterochka retail chain has implemented a number of updates to the digital platform for partners opening franchise stores. A personal account with a wide range of business management tools, detailed reporting and a chatbot for solving issues online has become available to entrepreneurs. The company announced this on September 11, 2024.

Previously, the Pyaterochki franchise site was used as an information hub that allowed you to get general information about the purchase of the franchise of the retail network and its advantages. Now, thanks to improvements to the digital platform, the site opens up a wide range of tools for partners to manage a franchise store.

The first point of contact with entrepreneurs interested in acquiring a franchise is a franchise site with a calculator that allows you to calculate the approximate amount of investment and the payback period of a store in the city of interest. By sending an application through a feedback form, a potential partner can receive rental options at the start to choose from, and if he has his own real estate, an assessment of its prospects. For this, an automated system for selecting and evaluating locations is used, which can predict what the turnover will be in a specific point of the city: with a probability of 97%, it will be as in the forecast or higher. This is a very important stage, since the monthly profit of the partner depends on the volume of turnover. Having received preliminary approval on the application, the potential franchisee enters the start portal with complete information about each subsequent step.

When the store is already open, the partner has access to a personal account - a kind of online office in which you can manage the operation of the store. The key business indicators are automatically uploaded to the main page, and based on all the components, the total forecast profit for the month is calculated and highlighted. If more detailed reports are required, they are available in a dedicated section.

In addition, the functionality allows you to order services from Pyaterochka and track the status of their provision: for example, publishing store vacancies or training employees. There is a chatbot in your personal account that finds answers to the most popular questions and is constantly trained using neural networks. Also, right in the online portal, you can send an application for opening a new store, or choose and buy a finished one. Automation of the personal account allows the partner to receive service from the head partner online, and Pyaterochka - to reduce labor costs for support. As of September 2024, the franchise site's traffic is more than 28 thousand users per month: both potential partners who can learn in real time about the terms of the franchise and calculate the estimated profit, and existing franchisees who use their personal account.

Along with the development of electronic public services, digital signatures and solutions for remote work, the franchise market strives for transparency of relations and the possibility of closing the maximum of online issues. We are pleased to present an updated, more functional franchisee cabinet that will significantly simplify many operational issues. Pyaterochka seeks to create an understandable and attractive product - the first online franchise in the Russian Federation, and our ambition is to provide the best IT service to our partners, "said Yuri Pchelin, owner of the Franchise Online Platform product.