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RKS: Multi-zone scanning devices (LCS) for Meteor spacecraft

Developers: Russian Space Systems (RKS)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2022/07/26
Branches: Space industry,  Electrical engineering and microelectronics

2022: Building multi-zone scanning devices for the next generation of spacecraft

Holding Russian space systems"" (RKS, part of the State Corporation Roskosmos"") announced on July 26, 2022 that specialists had begun to create multi-zone scanning devices (LCS) for a new generation the Russian space of devices of the "" series. Meteor Thanks to improved LSG, scientists, meteorologists and emergency workers will receive digital terrestrial multi-spectral surface images for predicting and eliminating natural disasters, emergencies, observing weather and natural phenomena, and development. agriculture of Russia

world space In technology, spacecraft capable of multisensory analysis are traditionally considered the most complex. Therefore, we support the promising developments of our scientists, creating advanced target devices for the Meteor space complex To Roshydromet. to solve the problems of weather analysis and forecast on a regional and global scale, high-quality ones are required data with high frequency. This LSG will make the Meteor system one of the most relevant hydrometeorological instruments,

This generation of LCSs are designed to operate in four different orbits. This formation of the orbital grouping will allow you to shoot the entire Earth every 3 hours. The equipment will conduct round-the-clock satellite survey of objects and the Earth's surface in 20 spectral channels with increased accuracy and resolution, which will allow observing a large range of terrestrial processes and phenomena. For the first time, a device of this level is created on the basis of domestic electronic components.

We constantly analyze the operation of the existing Meteor-M vehicles and the data they receive to determine the factors that affect the quality of the transmitted. information These findings, as well as the wishes of consumers of the results of space photography, are taken into account when improving the equipment under development for new, satellites
said Victor Selin, Deputy General Designer of the RKS, Director of Projects for the Creation of DZZ Systems.

This radiation cooling system will ensure the protection of multi-element photodetectors from external heat flows and will keep their temperature unchanged - 80K. This will allow LCS to measure the thermal radiation of observed objects on Earth with an accuracy of 0.05 degrees Celsius.

High requirements for the signal-to-noise ratio characteristic of a given LCS determine the quality of the resulting images. For this, a special matrix photodetector has been developed in RKS based on semiconductor technologies for building integrated circuits (CMOS technologies). Each element of the matrix has separate built-in amplifier and analog-to-digital converter. Thanks to this, at the output of the photodetector, an original digital image is obtained, and not analog, as in systems of previous generations.

In 2022, we are increasingly using domestic electronic components, adopting extraordinary engineering solutions and finding special ways to improve space equipment. In this project, for the first time in Russia, specialized 32-element photodetectors are being developed that guarantee the required quality and information content of images in the infrared spectrum,
emphasized Yuri Gorkin, chief designer of the RKS direction.