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Developers: Resello B.V.
Branches: Internet services
Technology: SaaS - Software as service,  Accounting systems

Resello is a platform on automation of business and a cloud marketplace for resellers which get access to cloud solutions.

As of May, 2018, the product portfolio of Resello includes registration of domains, a virtual hosting and e-mail, SSL certificates, VPS, the solution for backup and recovery of Acronis Backup Cloud, cloud products of Microsoft (Microsoft Cloud Solutions) and a hybrid cloud of Azure Stack. Being the platform, Resello provides to partners a show-window where services are provided; a control interface for the partner; the system of billing and management of technical support and a convenient control panel of services for the client.

2018: Selectel and Resello will develop together Azure Stack as a Service

On May 30, 2018 Russian provider of IT and infrastructure solutions Selectel and the Resello company, the developer of the platform of the same name on business automation, announced the beginning of cooperation. Partners consider a number of the general projects, including joint development of a cloud service of Azure Stack Network in Russia.

Resello manages a global network of Azure Stack. In network clients can start geographically distributed resources on the Azure Stack platform, using at the same time a single system of accounting of the consumed resources and billing. The project integrates data centers, cloud providers and resellers from the different countries. As the partner of Resello in Russia, Selectel is ready to provide infrastructure capacities for the organization of nodes of Azure Stack network in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Besides, the parties are going to advance jointly a cloud service of Azure Stack Network in the local market.

Selectel actively develops own cloud platform including services based on technologies of VMware and Openstack. Cooperation with Resello opens before provider the channel of interaction with potential customers and resellers from Europe.

The foreign companies doing business in Russia even more often look for local infrastructure partners. It is dictated by need to observe the local legislation and also the aspiration to improve service quality, to accelerate work of business applications. We with interest observe how Resello develops the cloud marketplace, and we see the potential for implementation through it the services — Pyotr Shcheglov, the director of the products Selectel said.

Global network of Azure Stack Network on the Resello platform

On one Resello platform integrates different locations of Azure Stack worldwide. The resellers registered on the platform can use resources of any of locations which is under control of directly Resello, or one of her strategic partners, explained in the company. The platform allows to create and connect own locations of Azure Stack and also provides functionality for billing and accounting of the cloud resources consumed by end customers.

2014: The announcement of a cloud solution for sale of domains, a hosting and cloud services

On March 31, 2014 the Resello company provided a universal cloud solution for sale of domains, a hosting and cloud services. A system offers the control panel automating order management, billing and accounts. End users will receive a control panel under a brand of the reseller and completely integrated tiketny system of communication that considerably reduces costs for technical support. To start work it is required to be registered on the website of the company, to enter an activation deposit in the amount of $69 (possibly to use for payment of services) and to configure a show-window.