Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

SAP Asset Strategy and Performance Management (SAP ASPM)

The name of the base system (platform): SAP Leonardo
Developers: SAP SE
Technology: EAM


Manage Asset Information – Maintaining NSI of an asset (equipment)

Management of Locations, Equipment, Groups, Systems for process optimization of Assessment of Criticality


  • Loading of technical objects from the ERP system
  • Use of Class templates and Subclasses according to the ISO standards
  • Creation of Models, Equipment, Locations and Specifications of spare parts
  • Grouping of the equipment by different methods
  • Consolidation of the equipment in systems and subsystems
  • Maintaining documents and instructions of a MRO
  • Maintaining directories of standard breakdowns and their characteristics
  • Creation of Requests for improvements (upgrade)
  • Viewing historical log (change history)
  • Management of obsolescence of Models, Equipment, Spare parts
  • Viewing the KPI (Key Performance Indicators) for the equipment and technical places (locations)

Asset Risk & Criticality Assessment is Criticality Assessment

Assessment which will allow to range assets on criticality and to define what analysis types to apply to determination of strategy of a MRO - RCM, FMEA, PM Review


  • Assessment of criticality of an asset (The equipment, Location, Group or a System) on the basis of complex criteria (matrix) of values of risks
  • Calculation of values of risks for different categories of influence of a risk matrix
  • Support of selection process of a method of the analysis for an asset (i.e. RCM/FMEA, PM review, CM) as result of assessment of criticality of an asset
  • An opportunity to use the existing historical data on a MRO and KPI for assessment (integration with EAM/PdMS).

Reliability-Centered Maintenance – Standard libraries / cooperation

RCM is the process guaranteeing operability of a system in the existing operational context. It is usually used for assessment of minimum necessary service level (MRO). Successful application of RCM allows to manage optimum housekeeping overheads, to provide required reliability and KTG, it is better to understand risks which the organization manages / influences.


  • Integration of contextual libraries (failures, regulations, etc.) of producers and third parties (OEM/3rd party)
  • Possibility of cooperation with producers / suppliers of services for identification of standard failures, methods of their elimination / prevention, development of recommendations, etc.

Failure Modes and Effects Analysis – АВКПО

Analysis of failures component and their influences on production function

FMEA one of the best instruments of reliability analysis of the equipment is the methodology of the analysis of potential failures / problems, their root causes allowing to define a set of actions which need to be undertaken for a reduction / exception of effects of approach of failure. An opportunity to predict an event before its emergence in practice and to provide necessary actions taking into account design features, safety of execution of works and required resources.


  • Organization of process of assessment of FMEA, determination of participants and their roles
  • Determination of criteria of risk, creation of templates of assessment and questionnaires
  • Use of standard libraries of producers / 3 parties
  • Determination of types of failures, their manifestations and main characteristics (MTBF, RPN)
  • Determination of root causes of failures, their manifestations
  • Determination of the actions required for their execution of resources, assignment of Strategy of a MRO
  • Maintaining documents

Preventive Maintenance Review – MRO efficiency evaluation

An opportunity to quickly aggregate data of a large number of plans of TORO and to carry out the analysis of why actions were planned in the TORO technical cards and what efficiency of these actions


  • A possibility of aggregation of actions from the TORO plans / technical cards
  • A possibility of the analysis why there were these actions in the past
  • Determination of the current risk level and the reasons which affect value of risk (influence on security, the environment, production) is proved to make the decision an optimal ratio between acceptable risk and costs for its minimization
  • Overview of all volume of actions of a MRO
  • An opportunity to compare to the recommended standards (amount of works)
  • An opportunity to the engineer, the scheduler and technicians to make the decision what actions it is necessary to leave in technical cards what to change or cancel
  • An opportunity to approve changes and to transfer these changes to plans of TORO

Maintenance Strategy Implementation – Integration with S4HANA/ERP

Creation/change/removal of technical maps, plans of TORO, control charts, condition monitoring points, determination of strategy of TORO

Determination of optimal strategy of a MRO at different scenarios of balance between risks, costs and performance of the executed function. Determination, what strategy of a MRO it is priority for this equipment (for example condition monitoring, planned a MRO, work before breakdown, etc.) or as current it can be improved.


  • Creation of technical cards / plans of TORO
  • Use of technical cards and instructions of the producer