The name of the base system (platform): | SAP All-in-One |
Developers: | Softline |
Last Release Date: | April, 2012 |
Branches: | Trade |
Technology: | BI, CPM, trade Automation systems |
The situation in the market of retail demonstrates significant growth in the competition among the companies. To provide increase in overall effectiveness of development of the company competent resource management which is performed by setting of the financial purposes and control of their accomplishment is necessary. The solution of such task is not possible without the modern and high-quality automated instruments of financial planning (budgeting) now.
The Softline company developed the standard solution on budgeting on the SAP platform for the companies of retail which has all potential for automation of the main financial budgets and covers the following planning processes:
- Determination by the management of target indicators of financial performance and profitability - filling of the plan of key and strategic indicators for income, establishment of limits of the most important (critical) expenses.
- Forecasting of financial results - on the basis of historical data and using automatic models of planning.
- Maintaining several versions of the budgets considering different succession of events. Including taking into account opening and closing of new sales points.
- Maintaining the income and expenditure budget (income and expense budget) on elements of a financial structure.
- Allocation of costs (allocation) – rules for apportionment of total amounts on detailed analysts, the total costs of the region of shops on the basis of historical data, the planned indicators (revenue) or statistics.
- Maintaining the budget of cash flow (BCF) – planning of arrival of money on all sources and a funds expenditure in a required temporary section, calculation of an opening and final balance. Compliance to the liquidity level set by the management.
- Approval, statement and control of budget implementation – existence of the monitor of the head for tracking the system of the statuses of filling of plans, variance analysis of planned data from target indicators and from the fact of previous year.
- Increase in discipline of budget process - fixing of areas of responsibility of participants of planning for formation, execution and control of the corresponding budgets.
- Analytical reports on planning process, including the plan fact the analysis – constant control behind a financial status of the company, an exception of cash gaps.
Use of the standard solution of Softline for creation of financial budgets provides a basis for optimization of financial performance and transparency of expenses of the company. Permanent monitoring and control of change of a financial situation in the company allows to increase financial stability and to improve a financial status both the companies in general, and its separate structural divisions.
The special offer on implementation of the standard solution for retail includes:
- unit and setup of a standard packet for budgeting;
- packet of the user instructions;
- training of users;
- start in operation.
- The term of implementing solution is 4 months.
- "Turnkey" project cost: 2,000,000 rubles including VAT.
- Period of action of the offer: Till June 30, 2012.
Your further actions: To take advantage of our special offer pass on to the link (The Standard solution on budgeting on the SAP platform for the companies of retail. Overview.) or write an e-mail of or, or call by phone number +7 (495) 232-00-23 (ext. 1055) in sales department of SAP solutions (the contact person: Kostylova Svetlana) till June 30, 2012.
The standard solution SL Retail Trade includes the functionality supporting business process management in the following areas:
- Purchases and management of material flows – purchase of raw materials and materials in a system is registered a set of transactions, such as maintaining agreements, requirements planning of goods, processing of purchasing requests, purchase orders, intake of materials on a warehouse, control of supplier invoices.
- The main set of warehouse transactions, including processing of regradings and inventory is implemented.
- Sale and distribution – in a system are implemented sales processes, managements of marketing actions, sale and movement of goods between legal entities (shops, branches).
- Production – process of automation of meat workshop is configured.
- Integration into the equipment – in a system data collection with POS and their loading in storage is configured, processing and data transmission in ERP, is implemented integration into radio terminals, scales.
- Management accounting (controlling) – the solution allows to coordinate, trace and optimize management processes the enterprise, including to keep account on actions, accounting items, places of emergence of costs and places of emergence of profit.
- Accounting – the solution allows to keep accounting in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
- The analytical reporting – in a system it is configured by the 20th OLAP of reports for the analysis of dynamics of sales, profitability of the range and work of a sales personnel.
Use of the standard solution "SL Retail Trade" allows to save all advantages of SAP implementation at decrease in term of the project and its cost twice.
The standard industry solution of Softline for retailers went at the beginning of 2012 qualification to SAP companies. The certificate allowing Softline to promote the SL Retail Trade Solution, qualified SAP Business All-in-One Partner Solution brand in the market is received.
In modern conditions the industry of retail is faced by a number of important tasks on which solution the attention of heads is concentrated: optimization of the range of shops for increase in profitability, reduction of logistic costs, receiving up-to-date information by top managers in real time.
The Softline company generalized and implemented experience of the solution of the listed above tasks in the standard solution for retail of "SL Retail Trade" on the SAP Business All-in-One platform. This tool contains the fixed volume of the configured and documentary business processes, is completely adapted for specifics of the industry of retail, has advantage of reduction of risks, terms and the project budget of implementation. It is important that the solution automates not separate functions, but all chain of added value of the company. Use of a standard packet allows to save all advantages of SAP implementation at decrease in term of the project and its cost twice.
The industry solution of Softline for retail which successfully passed qualification of SAP company in April of the current year supports business process management in the following areas:
- purchases and management of material flows;
- sale and distribution;
- production in shop;
- integration into the equipment of shop;
- management accounting (controlling);
- accounting;
- analytical reporting.
"We systematized the accumulated experience on retailers and proposed to clients industry solution which completely considers specifics of business and includes already ready complex of tools on logistics, pricing, assortment planning, finance and management accounting. At the same time the solution remains flexible for completion and setup under specific features of the client, – Alexey Eroshin, the deputy CEO of Softline tells. – Result of implementation of the standard solution for retail increase in profitability, at the expense of an exception of the range of non-profitable goods, and reducing costs of logistics becomes normal".