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Tinkoff of gas station

Developers: Tinkoff Bank, British Petroleum (BP)
Date of the premiere of the system: November, 2019
Branches: Trade,  Transport

2019: Application launch

On November 12, 2019 "Tinkoff of gas station" which allows to pay purchase of fuel at gas stations knew of application launch, without going out of the car.

For a moment start of service it is available only at gas station of BP company. In the project about 100 gas stations participate in Moscow, the Moscow and Smolensk regions.  The gasoline price in the application and at the checkout does not differ. Application operation algorithm following:

  • The user starts "Tinkoff of gas station" and finds the nearest gas station on the card;
  • Scans the QR code on a column or selects necessary of the list;
  • Begins to fill the car — in the application the status on the selected column will be displayed;
  • Upon termination of gas station the amount which should be paid will be displaid;
  • After payment the message comes with the link to the electronic check;
  • The check needs to be shown to the refueler and you can go.[1]

At first only clients of Tinkoff-bank will be able to use the application, but it is in the future going to expand access to all users.

Besides, the loyalty program  from BP Club gas Station on which clients will be able to accumulate points will be in the future connected and to pay in them for gasoline.

"Tinkoff" started the application for payment of gasoline from a car

The first a fuel payment service via the smartphone, without going out of the car, in 2017 started  "Yandex" and Lukoil. In " Yandex.gas stations " the feature to order goods from shops at gas station is going to be added.  Also the network of refueling stations  Gazpromneft has own service "AZS.GO". 

The release of the application of "Tinkoff of gas station" will draw at BP gas Station of clients who refuel at other stations now, the CEO of the Petromarket research group Ivan Homutov does not exclude.

It will positively affect implementation of fuels at BP gas stations. But what will be the value of this positive effect, it is difficult to tell — he reported in a conversation with Kommersant.

According to the expert, the effect will be shown not at once — car owners need to get used to service, still not really widespread in Russia.
