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To the Far East Federal Information System

The name of the base system (platform): FGIS (individual development)
Developers: PARMA Technologies Group
Date of the premiere of the system: 2016/06/01
Last Release Date: 2021/08/23
Branches: Government and social structures,  Internet services


"To the Far East" is a federal information system that provides automation of the processes of providing citizens for free use of land plots in the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The system is available at надальнийвосток.рф.

The system was developed by the Perm company PARMA Technologies Group by order of the Federal State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography Service (Rosreestr).

2021: The opportunity to apply for a hectare of land in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

On August 23, 2021, PARMA Technologies Group announced that since August, residents of Russia can now get a hectare of land in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation for free. The process of obtaining land is fully automated in the Far East FIS.

Every resident of Russia has the right to apply for and receive a hectare of land in the Far East free of charge under the Far Eastern Hectare program. Since August 2021, the program was extended to the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.

The expansion of the Hectare in the Far East and the Arctic program takes place in stages: first, only residents of the program regions can apply for land, later - all residents of Russia, regardless of the place of registration.

Applicants issue land according to a simplified procedure in the information system "To the Far East" - надальнийвосток.рф. The system allows you to select a plot on the map online, automatically form and send an application, put the plot on cadastral registration, sign a free land use agreement and register it with Rosreestr. The share of paper document circulation in the land registration process is less than 5%.

Over five years, more than 180 thousand people have applied for the Far Eastern Hectare, half of them have already received land. Three weeks after the inclusion in the Arctic Zone program, more than 3 thousand people filed an application for the Arctic Hectare, and two signed an agreement for free land use.

FIS "To the Far East" is developing PARMA Technologies Group, the operator of the system is Rosreestr. PARMA TG is working on the import substitution of the technical stack of the system and plans to transfer the land decoration under the "Hectare in the Far East and the Arctic" program completely to domestic technologies by the end of 2021.

2019: Connection to the system of the Trans-Baikal Territory and Buryatia

In 2019, the Trans-Baikal Territory and Buryatia were connected to the Far East FIS.

2017: Possibility of registration of the site via the Internet for all residents of the Russian Federation

On September 8, 2017, PARMA Technologies Group announced that from February 1, 2017, every citizen of Russia can issue a plot of Far Eastern land through the Internet for free without literally leaving home.

PARMA Technologies Group, which is the developer of the federal information system "To the Far East," fully automated the entire process of providing land for citizens: from an interactive choice of the land you like to obtain a documentary permission for free use.

During the session "Far Eastern hectare. The first steps, "within the framework of the III Eastern Economic Forum (WEF-2017), the Director for Strategic Development of PARMA TG Andrei Kulyanitsa presented to the forum participants the capabilities of the system, discussed the current state and development prospects of the FIS" To the Far East. "

According to September 2017, since the beginning of the program, more than 100 thousand applications have been submitted by Russian citizens with the help of the FIS, more than 28 thousand citizens have already received a plot of Far Eastern land for free use, and 8 thousand are waiting for the completion of the necessary documents.

2016: The opportunity to apply for a plot of land throughout the Far Eastern Federal District

From June 1, 2016, residents of the Far East could apply for a plot of land in certain municipalities of the Far Eastern regions, from October 1, 2016 - throughout the Far Eastern Federal District (FSD), and from February 1, 2017, each Russian can issue documents for obtaining a plot of Far Eastern land.


Website of the FIS "To the Far East"