Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Turbo Budgeting

The name of the base system (platform): Turbo of X
Developers: DRC-Dolgoprudnensky Research Center
Last Release Date: 2020/01/014
Technology: Accounting systems


The Turbo Budgeting system allows to create budgets, to plan operating, investment and financial activities. And also to keep the versionny, scenario or plan-fact analysis, to predict budget implementation.


Opportunity with a high speed to recalculate and consolidate budget models

The developer TURBO "Dolgoprudny research center" (the LANIT group enters into Consist Business Group) updated a line of business applications. Upgraded version and the Turbo of Budgeting became available to users.

The solution allows to recalculate and consolidate budget models with a high speed, to redistribute budgets, to model scenarios and to change business plans depending on the scenario, to adjust expense forecasts and income depending on different factors, to create time versions of the budget, to calculate a matrix of deviations. Read more here.

Turbo Budgeting of the tenth generation based on the Turbo of X

On January 14, 2020 the LANIT company reported that "The Dolgoprudny research center", the Russian developer of IT systems TURBO entering into Consist Business Group put on the market four business applications ― the Turbo of TORO, the Turbo Budgeting, the Turbo Document flow and the Turbo of Management. Expansion of a line is the next step after release in May, 2019 of the next generation of the platform of the Turbo of X. Read more here.

Important task of the modern companies of the different industries is formation and correction of budget model and ensuring compatibility of budget indicators. An opportunity to accurately create the budget and to plan operating, investment and financial activities, proceeding from different scenarios of development of the company, the information system TURBO Budgeting allows.

Use of the solution TURBO Budgeting increases transparency and availability of budget data, reduces labor input of preparation, approval and approval of budgets and reporting and also increases control over work of the divisions and employees responsible for results of planning. TURBO Budgeting gives the chance quickly and reasonably to react to changes and in general to make more weighed management decisions.