Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

UBank Payment service

Developers: UBank
Date of the premiere of the system: 2012
Last Release Date: 2017
Branches: Financial services, investments and audit
Technology: Systems of remote banking

Service is presented in the online version and also in the form of mobile application for platforms Android and iOS. Mobile application of uBank is pre-installed since 2012 on smartphones Samsung and Fly. At the end of 2012 the application appeared in app store Google Play, and in March, 2013 it appeared century AppStore.

2017: Smart IDReader sensing technology is integrated into uBank

In July the Smart Engines company announced that the sensing technology of Smart IDReader is started on the mobile Ubank financial platform.

Now for data entry it is enough to users of mobile application of Ubank to bring documents to the camera of the smartphone and for only several seconds the Smart IDReader technology will be able to scan them. Smart IDReader is used to recognition of such documents as the Russian Federation citizen passport, including a turn from the 2nd and 3rd page, driver's certificates, STS and all types of bank cards.

According to developers, Smart IDReader will recognize all data of the document, simplifies filling of forms and also fills the "card number" field and displays the term of its action and a name of the owner. Except text data, users can scan the signature of the owner of the document and save photos. The technology is steady against external noise and does not need setup. Recognition takes place in a video flow using superfast neural network algorithms and algorithms of interframe integration of results of processing of the separate personnel.

According to the CEO of Smart Engines PhD in Technological Sciences of Vladimir Arlazarov, Smart IDReader simplifies life of people at accomplishment of banking activities by them and does the interface of financial marketplaces intuitive for users. "2 of 3 main financial marketplaces already work with the help of our technology, and cooperation of Smart Engines with Ubank will create additional opportunities for increase in audience of the platform" — he considers.

The founder of Ubank Felix Hachatryan in return noted that the implementing solution Smart Engines simplified to clients filling of a number of irregular shapes. "For the end user — this convenience and simplicity. For us — increase in conversion on each form where we use Smart IDReader. We consider that implementation of similar technology does mobile application more attractive in comparison with other, classical methods of the order of heavy financial products".

According to Smart Engines, the principles of operation of Smart IDReader on mobile devices conform to the security requirements implemented in the system of protection and data encryption. All calculations at recognition are performed in the on-device mode and at the same time only RAM of the smartphone is used. "The solution smart Engines does not transfer personal data to processing to external services, does not store and does not create copies of personal data" — emphasized in the company.

2015: uBank reduces all payments in one smartphone

The electronic payment system of uBank which client application can be installed on the majority of smartphones or tablets together with PJSC MDM Bank issued own credit card with free service and a bonus. As well as any other bank card, it is possible to virtualize it in the smartphone and to control through free mobile application all[1].

Interface of the program, 2014

Having connected service, clients pay for service and quite often pay the commission for a part of transactions. The choice of payments with transfer without the commission is small, as well as an opportunity to automate payment of monthly accounts. It is inconvenient to control expenses too – it is necessary to browse archive of information SMS and to switch between applications of different banks.

Window of the program, 2014

Data of cash cards can be saved in the application using the built-in function of recognition from the photo or to take them manually. For the purpose of security the application does not store verification codes CVV, specified on a reverse side of bank cards with a possibility of Internet payments. These three digits it will be necessary to enter manually every time – in the same way as in PayPal and other payment services.

Mobile application helps to automate process: in addition to recognition of number and card expiration date, uBank the emitting bank will independently define and will display its logo. Further so will select more conveniently the active card for current transaction and to manage accounts.

For May 7, 2015 the uBank application works at three popular mobile OS: Android (starting with version 2.3.3), iOS (v.6.1 above, is compatible to iPhone, iPad and iPod touch), Windows Phone (from v.7.5 and is newer). Only the client has functional differences for the Windows platform that is caused by a delay of release of updates (only v.1.1 is available of 11/16/2013 now).

uBank requires the huge list of permissions. The application can do practically everything, including change of system settings.

List of permissions of a system, 2014

The binding of a user profile is executed only to the phone number. The full name, date of birth and passport data will be required only at the order of the personalized credit card. Without it it is possible to use uBank in parallel in three modes:

  • payment of services and transfers from the account in the uBank system. It is possible to fill up it from any bank card or via terminals. At replenishment through Eleksnet network or Svyaznoy salons the fee is not charged;
  • flyby mode of payments from the selected card at which uBank acts in a mediator role (as PayPal). Main types of services (payment of accounts of housing and public utilities, for the Internet and mobile communication) are provided without the commission;
  • receiving remunerations (in rubles into the account of uBank) for participation in actions of promotion of a product. For this purpose it is necessary to save referral bonuses, to enter promo codes or to perform tasks in social networks.

Any person at whom the similar application is installed can in addition use the system of instant money transfer from the account of uBank. The receiver can be entered manually, or to select from the contact list.

Similarly it is worth arriving also in case of problems with payments. Usually banks process return within several days, but can tighten this procedure about one month. Technical support of uBank will not help with this question as cannot influence rules of work of other organizations.

In the uBank application there is an opportunity to browse the history of payments and to configure regular automatic write-offs. Also it is extremely convenient for control of credit history according to the corporate card: its balance, current debts and the closest date of introduction of minimum payment is displayed.

Screenshot of payment history, 2014

The uBank application can be considered safe moderately protection of the mobile platform. At each start of uBank and even at recovery of its window from the background mode it will be required to enter the four-digit PIN code set at the first use. Because of the large screen keyboard it is easy to spot it.