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UserGate Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW)

Developers: UserGate, Usergate (formerly Entensys)
Branches: Information security
Technology: IS - Firewalls


The main articles are:


Integration of UserGate NGFW v7 with Netopia Firewall Compliance Platform

The Russian company-developer of solutions for monitoring and control of network equipment Netopia and the Russian developer of the ecosystem of information security solutions UserGate carried out technological integration of their products. This was announced on August 15, 2024 by representatives of UserGate.

The Netopia Firewall Compliance network security control and attack vector calculation platform was integrated with the domestic UserGate (NGFW) firewall.

Technology integration has optimized the sharing of company products and reduced the number of misconfiguration incidents.

During the tests, UserGate specialists provided API for export data the configuration of the domestic firewall UserGate (NGFW) version 7. Netopia engineers were responsible for deploying attacks the Netopia Firewall Compliance network security control and vector calculation platform.

The coordinated work of the two companies made it possible to solve the issues of managing security policies and determining critical assets. This will simplify the NGFW import substitution process for Russian customers.

Compatibility of UserGate Next-Generation Firewall 6.1.9 with ALD Pro 2.2.1 and Brest virtualization 3.2

Astra Group and UserGate on May 15, 2024 announced the certification of the next generation firewall UserGate Next-Generation Firewall 6.1.9 (NGFW) as part of the Ready for Astra technology partnership program. The experts conducted a series of tests and made sure that the product works correctly in a single circuit with the latest updates to the Brest 3.2 secure virtualization platform and the software complex for managing ALD Pro 2.2.1 domain objects - Astra Group solutions in demand on the market.

UserGate Next-Generation Firewall combines intrusion detection with a firewall to provide a high level of security for networks of all sizes and sizes with maximum visibility of security events. Various delivery options, such as a hardware and software complex, a virtual image and SECaaS (Security as a Service), open up a wide range of possibilities for embedding INFORMATION SECURITY the -function NGFW in the IT customer's architecture. The product is included registers of the Ministry of Digital Development in both certified tools and information protection FSTEC of Russia meets the requirements of the fourth level of trust.

Confirming the compatibility of UserGate Next-Generation Firewall with ALD Pro virtualization "Brest" and gives customers confidence that the selected security tools will be able to work correctly in their information systems. This is very important in terms of reliability and continuity. business processes The vectors for the development of information security solutions are directly related to the trends of everything - and ITindustries we always strive to meet the needs of the market. We adapt to customers' business needs and protect their infrastructures and data in the environment and with the tools they use. Our company is open to cooperation, we will test as many demanded products as possible and, if necessary, refine and optimize our ON devices and devices for customer tasks, "said UserGate Ivan Chernov Development Manager.

The number and variety of threats to IT systems is constantly growing, so it is necessary to establish the correct operation of the security tools that organizations use in conjunction with domestic infrastructure solutions. This will allow you to most effectively use the functionality of technological stacks and ensure their stable functioning. We thank our colleagues at UserGate for their active cooperation, appreciate the company's attention to this issue, and plan to continue to interact. Our cooperation in terms of testing product compatibility is a guarantee that the most modern, reliable and convenient information security solutions will always be available to end users, "said Alexey Trubochev, Director of the Astra Group Support Department.