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VTB Business of QR

Developers: VTB - Vneshtorgbank
Date of the premiere of the system: 2019/10/08
Branches: Trade,  Financial services, investments and audit
Technology: Trade automation systems

2019: Submission of the VTB Business of QR application

On October 8, 2019 VTB announced start in the pilot mode of mobile application "VTB Business of QR" for acceptance of c2b-payments by the QR code through the System of Fast Payments (SFP).

"VTB Business of QR"

This mobile application for business is available to the clients of VTB who are individual entrepreneurs. For connection to service clients need to be registered in the application and in SBP. The user "VTB Business of QR" can independently create a special graphic key (QR code) including a payment amount and purpose of payment or to select necessary of templates from the application. After that the QR code with details of the enterprise and a payment amount on the screen of the mobile phone forms. The buyer scans the QR code the application and makes payment. Money is credited to the account of the seller almost instantly, and the buyer receives confirmation of successful purchase.

In the VTB Business of QR application the functionality of drawing of the check to the individual entrepreneurs registered as self-employed and applying tax regime "A tax on professional income" is available. Clients can test the application in an operating mode, having received payment for real purchases.

Service which cornerstone two modern payment technologies are at once is implemented within development of an ecosystem of digital services for business. Priority expansion of digital tools for clients is defined by the strategy of VTB for the next years. Mobile application "VTB Business of QR" simplifies payment acceptance for goods and services, accelerates turnover of money and increases stability of microbusiness,
